- the reform of teacher training 教师教育改革
- Stressing the Characteristics of Teacher Training in the Educatinal Reforms of Public P.E. 高师范公共体育教学改革应突出师范性特点。
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- Press ahead with the Reform of Housing. 积极推进住房体制改革。
- The reform of the tax system proved effective. 税收制度改革证明很有成效。
- Teachers" professionalization, a key trend in the development of teacher career internationally, is one of the central topics in the reform of current teachers" education. 教师专业化是国际教师职业发展的重要趋势,是当代教师教育改革的中心主题之一。
- How to Push the Reform of Social Management System? 如何推动社会管理体制的改革?
- Expediting the reform of the financial system. (二)加快金融体制改革
- The reform of state-owned enterprises is the same. 国有企业的改革也是如此。
- The reform of state-owned enterprises was deepened. 国有企业改革进一步深化。
- We will deepen the reform of SOEs. 深化国有企业改革。
- Deepening the reform of the pricing system. (四)继续深化价格改革
- Senior conclusive proficiency in graphic of teacher training university. 在师范大学就读期间熟练掌握高级绘画技巧。
- The world has paid much attention to the project of teachers" education, and commenced to cany out the reform of teachers" education. 包括我国在内的世界各国都对教师教育十分重视,并已着手进行教师教育的改革。
- Promote the reform of the judicial system. (六)推进司法体制改革。
- The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment. 现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头。
- Expediting the reform of township enterprises. (6)加快乡镇企业改革。
- The Reform of Art Teachers Training Program in Art College 刍议高师美术教育专业教学的改革
- The reformation of criminals has produced an obvious result. 对罪犯的改造有了明显的效果。
- The general humanist nature of teacher training asks the general nature of pedagogy. 师范专业的普遍人文性要求普遍的教育学性质。