- I had to grant the reasonableness of his argument. 我必须承认他的论点有道理。
- Have you found out the reason of the fire? 你找出火灾的原因了吗?
- Discuss the reason of the rising crime rate. 分组讨论犯罪率升高的原因。
- Prejudice is the reason of fools. 偏见是愚人的理性。
- The reasonability of law in fact contains accordance with reasonability, which is content of purpose of man. 法的合理性实际上还包括合乎“理性”亦即“目的性”的内容。
- And what are the reason of Qing lost the Opium War? 清朝输掉鸦片战争的根本原因又是什么?
- The reason of summertime insomnia? 夏季失眠的原因?
- Appear the reason of this kind of state is daedal. 出现这种状况的原因是错综复杂的。
- Does the reason of halitosis reach remedial method? 口臭的原因及治疗方法?
- What is the reason of your long silence? 什么原因使你沉默很久?
- May I inquire about the reason of the change? 我可以问问为什么要变动吗?
- Oppression is the reason of unhappiness. 压抑,是不快乐的根源。
- The reason of the law ceasing, the law itself ceases. 法律理由消失,法律本身也不存在。
- By tracing the history the reason of imbalance in its content distribution is explored, which is self-evident in International Uniform Substantive legislation and knowledge of long existence of Conflict of Laws. 追溯国际统一实体法渐进性的历程,探索其内容上不平衡性的原因,对实体法国际统一立法的对策研究,尤其对冲突法将长期存在的必要性的认识,具有重要的意义。
- And the reasonableness of the analysis program. 并对该方案的合理性进行了分析。
- Chapter2 analyzes the reasons of conflict on THC. 第2章分分析了THC纠纷的产生原因。
- The reasons of surface mining damage were analyzed. 摘要分析采矿活动对地表损坏的原因。
- The reasons of the poor weigh not. 人微言轻。
- He persisted in the study of law. 他坚持学习法律。