- The guerrilla units,which extend the battle lines into the enemy rear,are separated from the rear area of the country as a whole. 脱离总后方,而把作战线伸至敌后的,是游击队。
- The guerrilla units, which extend the battle lines into the enemy rear, are separated from the rear area of the country as a whole. 脱离总后方,而把作战线伸至敌后的,是游击队。
- As a result of the heavy partisan actions against the German lines in 1943, the Slovak 12th Engineer Battalion was sent to the rear area of Army Group South where it took part in vital rail repair operations to fix lines cut by the Soviet partisans. 1943年,由于苏联游击队频繁的袭击德军防线,斯洛伐克第12工兵营被派往集团军群后方,参与了维修被苏联游击队破坏了的重要铁路的行动。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- The engine of this bus is in the rear. 这辆公共汽车的发动机在后面。
- The enemy reeled when surprised from the rear. 敌军从背後受到奇袭而乱了阵脚。
- The rear pelvic area of the human body. 臀部人体上接近骨盆的部位
- He also expounded on the organizational construction of our party's in the rear areas,which contributed irreplaceably to the reservation and growth of our party's underg... 对大后方党的组织建设进行了详尽深入的论述,为我大后方党组织在险恶的白色环境中保存并壮大做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
- The general rode in front; his soldiers closed the rear. 将军骑着马在前面走,士兵们在后面跟着。
- We must base our planning on it and must not have illusions about a war of advance without any retreats, take alarm at any temporary fluidity of our territory or of the rear areas of our army, or endeavour to draw up detailed long-term plans. 从这个特点出发,规定我们的日程,不要幻想有进无退的战争,不要震惊于领土和军事后方的暂时的流动,不要企图建立长时期的具体计划。
- In the basket ball match, their team closed the rear. 在篮球比赛中,他们球队是最后一名。
- The chicken farm should be divided into separate quarantinable units or areas for different groups of birds, such as the rearing area, pedigree unit. 鸡场必须划分为可以封销的单元或区,以饲养不同的鸡群,如饲养区,纯种单元。
- Yet again in the present period,the War of Resistance,all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the anti-Japanese forces and in the areas occupied by the enemy are directly or indirectly co-ordinated with the war. 再如现在抗日战争时期,抗日军后方的和敌军占领地的一切组织和斗争,也同样是直接或间接地配合战争的。
- I don't know how it came about but I've got a dent in the rear of my car. 我不知道是怎么回事,但我的汽车后部有了一个凹痕。
- In addition,the Japanese aggressors,Chinese collaborators and Trotskyites may use these mistakes to incite people to revolt,as a way to threaten and harass the rear areas in the fight against the Japanese aggressors. 日寇、汉奸、托派之辈,则更利用这些缺点和错误,来进行其挑拨煽惑的阴谋,企图造成民变,以威胁和扰乱抗日的后方。
- But the enemy is still holding fast to his basic policy of subjugating China and is pursuing it by such means as undermining our anti-Japanese united front,intensifying his "mopping-up" campaigns in the rear areas and stepping up his economic aggression. 但敌人仍然坚持其灭亡中国的基本政策,并用破坏抗日统一战线、加紧敌后“扫荡”、加紧经济侵略等方法,实行这种政策。
- He is so lazy; he could do with a good kick up the rear. 他这个人太懒惰,真想在他屁股上踢一脚。
- Most of our cities and communications lines were then still under the occupation of the Japanese aggressors,and the greater part of the rear areas was still under the control of the Chiang Kai-shek government. 那时候,日本侵略者还占领着我国大部分城市和交通线,蒋介石政府还统治着大部分的后方地区。
- The rear door hinges/is hinged at the top so that it opens upwards. 後面的门是在顶部铰接上的,以便可以向上开。
- We must base our planning on it and must not have illusions about a war of advance without any retreats,take alarm at any temporary fluidity of our territory or of the rear areas of our army,or endeavour to draw up detailed long-term plans. 从这个特点出发,规定我们的日程,不要幻想有进无退的战争,不要震惊于领土和军事后方的暂时的流动,不要企图建立长时期的具体计划。