- She was cut to the quick by his insults. 她受他侮辱而十分伤心。
- His letter cut her to the quick. 他的信深深地伤了她的心。
- She has bitten her nails (down) to the quick. 她咬指甲(一直)咬到肉。
- It transpired from the whispers of the Quick Man. 这全是奎克曼的耳语造成的。
- I have pared my nails to the quick. 我把指甲剪到肉根。
- Criticism touched him to the quick. 这批评触到了他的痛处。
- The remark hurt him to the quick. 这话深深地伤害了他。
- Her insulting remarks cut me to the quick. 她那些带侮辱性的语言很伤害我的感情。
- The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。
- The people nodded brightly at the Quick Man. 人们朝奎克·曼心领神会地点点头。
- The quickest way to go round the city is by underground train. 在这个城市四处走动最快的办法就是乘坐地铁。
- The Quick Style set does not fix formatting errors. 快速样式集不修复格式错误。
- The quick and easy way to big savings. 快捷简单地节省大量开支。
- He cut me to the quick with that unkind remark. 他那冷酷的话深深伤害了我。
- Her cruel words cut him to the quick. 她的恶语大伤他的感情。
- The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 一隻敏捷、灰色的狐狸跳过一隻懒惰的狗。
- The quick population of the new city is astounding. 新城市移民人口增长之迅速,让人瞠目结舌。
- His insincerity was revealed by the quick goggle of his eyes. 他眼睛的快速转动泄露了他的不诚。
- I was cut to the quick when she insulted me. 她侮辱我的时候真的被刺伤了。
- The quick brown fox jumps oyer a lazy dog. 快速的棕色狐狸跳过一条懒狗。