- Results the quantum statistical index on the spatial distibution of disease and their epldemicology implication were obtained. 结果获得疾病空间分布状态定量统计指标的计算方法和流行病学含义。
- The quantum statistical properties of two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with a time-dependent atom-field coupling coefficient are discussed under the initial squeezing state of the light field. 讨论了初始光场为压缩态、原子光场耦合系数随时间变化情形下双光子过程J-C模型的量子统计性质。
- The quantum behavior of atomic objects is the same. 原子客体的量子行为都是相同的。
- The quantum of light is called a photon. 光的量子就称为光子。
- the quantum statistics 量子统计
- Liability was admitted by the defendant, but the case went to trial because they could not agree the quantum of damages. 被告承认有责任,但案子还是拿到法庭审判,因为双方当事人不能就损害赔偿金金额达成协议。
- Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is the consequence of quantum statistics and is closely related to superfluid phenomena. 玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC)是量子统计的结果,与超流现象密切相关。
- The quantum numbers differ not at all. 量子数根本没有差别。
- The effects of atomic motion and field mode structure on quantum statistics properties of the field in the Jaynes-Cummings model are investigated. 研究了J-C模型中原子运动和模场结构对模场量子统计性质的影响.
- How to Predigest the Quantum Statistical Index for Resident Physician 如何简化住院医师量化指标统计
- Attention is concentrated on the quantum theory. 重点是在掌握量子理论上。
- For example, Bohm introduced the quantum potential. 举个例子,介绍了量子电位。
- The file was changed outside of the Quanta editor. 文件在 Quanta 编辑器之外发生了更改。
- The quantum theory is not just an esoteric addendum. 量子理论并不只是一个深奥的附录。
- This thesis reports an analytic study on the giant- magnetoresistance of multi-layer sandwich structure and spin-valve structure by using Green function quantum statistics approach and nonlinear Kubo formula that was derived by sub-dynamics theory. 本论文报导使用量子统计格林函数方法以及由子动力学理论推出的非线性响应理论对多层膜三明治结构和自旋阀结构的巨磁电阻效应的解析研究。
- First, we shall discuss topics of interest for both condensed matter and atomic physics, focussing on the effects of quantum statistics, interactions, and correlations in many-particle systems. 第一,我们将会讨论凝聚态物理及原子物理中感兴趣的主题,重点讨论多体系统中的量子统计效应、相互作用和相关性。
- End time, in UTC, of the time period that the quantum represents. 量程表示的时间段的结束时间,以UTC表示。
- I happen to have the official statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。
- The end time is the start time plus the quantum duration. 结束时间是开始时间加上量程持续时间。
- Get me a printout of the statistics. 给我一份打印出的统计资料。