- A former public procurator may not be the law agent or defender in the case handled by the procuratorate he or she belonged to after leaving the post of the People's Procuratorate. 检察官从人民检察院离任后,不得担任原任职检察院办理案件的诉讼代理人或者辩护人。
- The chairman of a commission for examination and assessment of public procurators shall be assumed by the chief procurator of the procuratorate it belongs to. 检察官考评委员会主任由本院检察长担任。
- I heard that the procuratorate has placed a case on file to investigate him. 听说检察院已经对他进行立案审查了。
- In this example, the victim failed to get the legal aid due to her, as the procuratorate had decided not to sue the rapist. 对一起性质恶劣的强奸案,检察院最终做了不起诉的决定,受害人没有得到法律援助。
- Does this mean the aunties and uncles at the Procuratorate will now grab pickaxes and shovels and rebuild our homes? 检察院的叔叔阿姨们现在是不是也应该拿起镐头和铁锹去重建家园?
- "Because of its behavior caused pecuniary loss finally, the procuratorate is sued with larceny is well-founded, this also was to pass measure. “因为其行为最终造成了经济损失,检察院以盗窃罪起诉是有根据的,这也是经过了衡量。”
- That is, establish it as the mode which endows the investigation authority with People"s Procuratorate and accredits through the procuratorate for the police to investigate. 同时在厘清侦查职能与控诉职能的上、下位关系的前提下,认为应当重新设定我国的职能管辖,即将其设置为侦查权赋予人民检察院,再由检察院授权公安机关进行侦查的模式。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一个国家得有决心击退任何入侵者。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。
- The procuratorate and the court shall independently exercise their respective procuratorial and judicial authority. They shall only obey the law and not be interfered with by any administrative organ,social organization or person. 检察院、法院独立行使检察权和审判权,只服从法律,不受其他任何行政机关、社会团体和个人的干涉。
- A fire was burning in the grate. 火在壁炉中燃烧着。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- After the Police department decides to charge the juvenile offender?it would go to the Procuratorate.When the case arrives at the Procuratorate the rehabilitation center would start its work. 公安机关向检察院提起诉讼时,劳改中心就要马上开始调查工作。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他们向警方告发他是罪犯。
- You didn't embarrass me in the slightest. 你一点也没让我为难。