- We've let out all the prisoners of war. 我们已释放了全部战俘。
- The commander showed mercy to the prisoners of war. 司令官对战俘十分怜悯。
- The prisoners of war were marched off to the company headquarters. 战俘被押往连队总部。
- Inhuman treatment of the prisoners of war shocked world opinion. 那些战俘受到了不人道的待遇,世界舆论为之震惊。
- The prisoners of war were led in to the concentration camp. 战俘们被押入集中营。
- Prisoners of war being force-fed the party line. 被强行灌输政治观念的战犯们
- The prisoner of war escaped from the jail. 那个战俘从牢笼中逃了出来。
- The prisoners of war are farmed out to work on the land. 战俘被作为劳力出租在地里干活。
- The prisoners of war were imprisoned in a concentration camp. 战俘被关进集中营。
- The prisoners of war were farmed out to work on a coffee plantation. 那些战俘被当作劳动力出租到咖啡种植园干活。
- The prisoner of war gave his parole not to try to escape. 该名战俘给予自己的言词保证不去试著逃跑。
- In Iraq, the American soldiers had no mercy on the prisoners of war. 在伊拉克,美军士兵对战俘毫无怜悯之意。
- She was burning hot from head to foot. The prisoners of war scene opened the newsreel. 她从头到脚都在发烧。新闻短片一开头就是战俘的画面,
- We deprived the prisoners of food and water. 我们拿走了囚犯的食物和水。
- The prison of Lancaster Castle it stays cold. 兰开丝特城堡的监狱寒冷依旧。
- When the prisoner of war tried to escape, a guard fired a gun at him. 那战俘试图逃跑时,一名卫兵向他开了一枪。
- They were very cruel to their prisoners of war . 他们对待战俘很残酷。
- Prisoners of war were all set loose. 战俘全部被释放。
- Liberate the prisoners of war. 释放战俘。
- The two countries exchanged their prisoners of war. 两国交换战俘。