- Yet a great deal happened in these Dark Ages: the primordial soup evolved into the rich zoo of celestial bodies we now see. 不过,在黑暗期里其实发生了许多事情:太初宇宙就像一锅滚烫的汤,而后因膨胀冷却,逐步演化成我们现在所见丰富多彩的天体大观园。
- It personifies the primordial force of the heavens. 它赋予天堂原始力量以人性化。
- the primordial soup 原生浆液
- Boredom was unavoidable, yet also a primordial soup for some of life's most quintessentially human moments. 无聊在所难免,然而它却催生了生活中一些最典型的人性时刻。
- It is the primordial force that propels us forward. 它是推动我们前进的原始动力。
- Be that as it may, Kratos, the Primordial Fire is almost out. 先别管那个了,奎托斯,原始火种快要熄灭了。
- The personification of the primordial vapor that is the source of all life. 原始蒸汽的化身就是所有生命的源头。
- The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made. 原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。
- Report: Space Sugar Sweetened Primordial Soup, CNN 报告:宇宙空间中有糖类有机化合物
- It was the thickest pea soup we had ever seen. 这是我们所见过的最浓的黄色浓雾。
- Your single-celled ilk, microscopic bacteria and algae, have ruled the primordial seas for almost 3 billion years. 你的单细胞同类----非常小的细菌与海藻,已经统治这片原始海洋几近30亿年之久。
- Can you ladle the soup out of this deep pan for me? 你能从这个深底锅里舀点汤给我吗?
- The story begins with a local eddy in the swirling gas and dust of the primordial galaxy. 话题要从原始星系的旋涡气体和尘埃形成的一个局部涡流说起。
- She used up the chicken bones to make soup. 她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。
- The blaze of tropic suns was in his face, and in his swelling, resilient muscles was the primordial vigor of life. 他脸上有赤道的炎炎烈日,他柔韧暴突的肌肉中有原始的生命力。
- Life seems to have originated in the primordial oceans that covered the Earth four billion years ago. 生命看来似乎起源于40亿年前覆盖着地球的原始海洋。
- If Dad catches you you'll be in the soup. 如果爸爸抓住你,你就要倒楣了。
- Where there is no more suffering. This secret source potential Is the primordial Buddha, the Adi-Buddha. 此潜在的本性与原初佛-普贤的境界毫无差别。
- The differentiation of the cells derived from the primordial meristem forms protoderm,ground meristem and adsperse procam-bium strand. 其衍生细胞分化为原表皮、基本分生组织和散生的原形成层束。
- Sense of smell ? Smells are the primordial language and the newborn perceives them indistinctly from birth. 嗅觉-嗅觉气味是最原始的语言,但新生儿对它并不容易察觉。