- The price of land is rising rapidly. 地价正在迅速上涨。
- The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 自由的代价是永久提高警惕。
- The price of oil has suddenly rocketed up. 石油价格突然飞涨。
- They have increased the price of petrol again. 他们又提高了汽油的价格。
- Iraq decides the price of its own oil. 伊拉克决定要自订油价。
- The price of steel jump sharply last year. 去年钢材价格急剧上涨。
- They've slapped 10p on the price of cigarettes. 他们把香烟价钱加了 10 便士。
- The price of oil have reach$30 a barrel. 石油的价格已涨到每桶30美元。
- The price of this dress is unreasonable. 这件衣服的价格太高了。
- Some local governments also askew with "Dr. shoot up" policy for the premium increases, the price of land frequent. 一些地方政府还歪用“招拍挂”政策,让地价飞涨,天价土地频出。
- A downward tendency, as in the price of a stock. 下降趋势如股票价格等的下降趋势
- The price of fruits remains steady. 水果的价格保持稳定。
- I had to deposit 10% of the price of the house. 我必须先付房价的10%25作定钱。
- The graph shows a bulge in the price of meat. 图表显示肉类价格上涨。
- Lin,T.C. and Evan,A.W., An Empirical Test of the Relationship between the Price of Land and Size of Plot, Annual Meeting of American Real Estate Society, Santa Barbara, USA. 黄佳铃(2005)从房地价格分离探讨地价指数及公告土地现值评估,政治大学地政学系硕士论文。
- Last week, the price of food jumped. 上星期食品价格突涨。
- The price of gasoline is unstable. 汽油价不稳定。
- The prices of some vegetables vary with the season. 某些蔬菜的价格随季节而变化。
- Far from falling, the price of commodity go on rising. 非但没有下降,商品的价格还继续上升。
- Dealers bargain with growers over the price of coffee. 商人与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商洽。