- In information communication model interrogative mood must follow the pragmatic principle of "from the speaker to the listener". 摘要疑问语气在信息交流模式上必须遵循“听者>说者”的语用原则,因此,主语“我”是有标记的。
- The pragmatic principles used by teachers include the validity principle and acceptability principle of the words. 教学语言的语用原则包括话语的有效性原则和可接受性原则。
- It also analyzes the pragmatic functions of irony. 本文还结合实例分析了反语的语用功能。
- The malleable mind of the pragmatist. 实用主义者那适应性很强的思想
- The Pragmatic Principles and Pragmatic Function of Relative Addressing Terms 拟亲属称谓语的语用原则及语用功能
- The pragmatical principle of instructive language behaviour 指令类言外行为作用下的语用原则
- the pragmatic principle 语用原则
- The politeness principle is an important pragmatic principle that people should observe in communication. 摘要礼貌原则是人们在交际话动中应当遵守的语用原则。
- The reason for selectivity lies mainly in the violation of pragmatic principle for interrogative mood. 限制原因主要在于违反了疑问语气的语用原则。
- The Pragmatic Principles in Contemporary Chinese Normalization: A Study on Color Lexeme Normalization 从色彩词的规范谈规范化工作中的语用原则
- Based on a research into the linguistic corpus collected individually, this paper illustrates why appropriateness is the supreme pragmatic principle. 本文依据对个人语料库的研究,阐明为何得体为语用的最高原则。
- Chapter 4 digs into the pragmatic fuzziness in legal language. 第四章探讨法律语言的模糊性在语用中的表现。 第五章详细阐述法律语言的模糊性是怎样被消除并在法庭判决中表现为确定性的。
- DCA) on the pragmatic quality of two kinds of accounting model. 论文将BWW本体理论拓展应用到两种会计模型语法构件的比较之中,提出了REA会计模型语法构件的本体清晰性高于DCA会计模型的命题;
- At last, the paper also discusses the pragmatic effects of PN. 这一章还对语用否定的语用效果进行了分析。
- Chapter five discusses the pragmatic feature of alternate patterns. 第五章讨论交替格式的语用特点。
- The pragmatic analysis concentrates on Grice’s four maxims of Cooperative Principle (CP): the maxims of quality, quantity, manner and relevance. 语用分析主要从Grice合作原则中的四个会话准则出发,对聊天室会话和面对面会话进行对比分析。这四个会话准则分别是:量的准则、质的准则、方式准则和关系准则。
- He is so vulgar, he sticks to pragmatic principles even when making friends. 他连交朋友都遵循实用主义原则,未免有些过于世俗了。
- In the following excerpt, James describes the pragmatic theory of truth. 在下面选文中,詹姆士阐述了实用主义的真理理论。
- Goal-Intention Principle and Pragmatic Nihilism: A Discussion of Pragmatic Principles in Response to Lin et al. 目的-意图原则与"语用虚无主义"--与林大津教授等谈"语用原则"
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。