- The researcher employed the in-depth interview method to explore male experiences under the patriarchal ideology. 研究发现男性进入小学职场是受了重要他人、教职外在条件、家庭经济等因素的影响。
- A mark of independence from the patriarchal family. 女性的行会资格则体现从父系家庭中独立。
- the patriarchal ideology 祖先崇拜
- She unmasks the alleged 'natural' role of women in her time as the product of a patriarchal ideology. 她撕下了她那个时代妇女“天生”性别角色的假面具,认为妇女的性别角色是父权制意识形态的产物。
- The patriarch paid him a handsome price. 族长给了他一笔可观的数目。
- The ancestral temple is the embodiment of the clan ideology of Huizhou, the Chinese country church, a mark of the patriarchal clan system of Huizhou. 祠堂是徽州宗族意识集中体现,它是乡村中国社会的“教堂”,是徽州宗法家族制度的一个具体标识。
- So, feminism should not only transgress/ traverse nationalism as an apparatus of patriarchal ideology as Ueno Chizuko argues but also bring to light how imagined nation/ state contributes fundamentally to the identities of women. 如果要批判作为近代普遍问题的女性国民化,也得首先阐明各国民国家之间的差异。
- He supported the patriarch, he conciliated the Greeks. 他支持大教长,他绥抚希腊人。
- Moreover, they tend to blur the distinction between Conrad the author and Marlow the arch narrator, ascribing the latter"s patriarchal ideology unjustifiably to the author himself. 混淆了康拉德与小说的主要叙事者马洛之间的界限,将后者的男权意识归咎于作家本人。
- Thus, the patriarchal system was based upon love, not force. 所以他们的父系社会是基于爱,而不是力量。
- Abraham is the patriarch, forefather, from the Jews. 亚伯拉罕是犹太人的先祖。
- In the Old Testament, the patriarch who was chosen by God to build an ark, in which he, his family, and a pair of every animal were saved from the Flood. 诺亚在旧约圣经中,被上帝选去建造方舟的大主教,借此方舟,诺亚、其家人以及每种动物的一对,在世界大水中保全了性命
- They relied upon the patriarchal clan to control all or most of towns business. 他们依靠宗族的力量,控制城镇集市的全部或大部分贸易。
- Chapter one discusses the status of female in the patriarchal system. 第一章讨论在西方父权制度下女性的地位问题。
- Works in the landscape, the patriarchal "Four Wangs", forceful cubeba show. 工于山水,宗法“四王”,雄浑苍秀。
- The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah. 族长雅各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。
- The patriarch could not withhold his compassion and courted disgrace. 祖师忍俊不禁、一场漏逗。
- "The patriarch Jacob married two of his first cousins, Rachel and Leah. "族长雅各布娶了他的两个表妹雷切儿和莉尔。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The patriarch of the herd. 群众里年高德劭的人