- They mourn the passing of a simpler way of life. 他们对逝去的较为淳朴的生活感到惋惜。
- The feeling deepened with the passing of the years. 这种感觉一年一年地加深了。
- I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops. 我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。
- the passing of a bill 一项议案的通过
- I'm the bearer of a bill of exchange drawn on you. 我持有一张由你兑付的汇票。
- The steps have been rubbed down by the passing of so many feet. 这些台阶被如此众多来往的脚步蹋损了。
- I have a distinct sense of the passing of time, and I do want to grow old gracefully. I don't want to be some kind of ageing pop singer. 我明显地感到时光的流逝。岁月不饶人,我不想成为某种上了年纪的流行歌手。
- The passing of a soul into another body after death; reincarnation. 死后灵魂进入另一个躯体;再生
- The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years. 女人的美丽应是随著岁月流逝而更增长。
- The passing of a soul into another body after death. 死后个体灵魂转移到另一个新的躯体。
- People lament the passing of the good old days . 人们惋惜过去的好时光的流逝。
- A clause of a document, such as a bill or charter. 条款文件中的条款,例如一个议案或者是一个章节
- The passing of everyday human events! 为已经逝去的每一天的人类事件!
- The passing of a light through the walls of a body part or organ to facilitate medical inspection. 透视法用一束光照过身体的一部分或器官以进行医学检查
- He regretted the passing of the simple life from which ambition had seduced bam. 他很后梅,是野心诱使自己不再过那种朴素的生活。
- Dating back 3000 years,it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and to welcome a new one. 这个华人传统源自大约3000年前,它代表着旧的一年平安过去了,人们准备大事庆祝和迎接新的一年。
- Dating back 3000 years, it celebrates the passing of a peaceful year and to welcome a new one. 这个华人传统源自大约3000年前,它代表着旧的一年平安过去了,人们准备大事庆祝和迎接新的一年。
- With the passing of a goshawk wings blue sky, the mountains in September has already cast a yellow layer. 随着一只苍鹰振翅掠过蓝蓝的天空,九月的山林便已经蒙上了层层的黄。
- We watched the passing of the procession. 我们观看队伍走过。
- Additional controversy arose due to the passing of a joint Danish/Schleswig constitution. 冲突的导火线,是丹麦国王去世,但没有德意志邦联接受的继承人,造成两地的传承问题。