- the overload of population 人口超载
- So we could conclude that the overload of the web server is becoming the botleneck of the QoS control. 本课题对Web QoS控制技术进行了深入研究,旨在解决Web服务应用中为不同级别的客户提供分类服务的问题,使Web服务器资源更合理的分配,使有限的资源产生最大的经济效益。
- The density of population in this city is very high. 这个城市的人口密度非常高。
- This overload of the IsStartupScriptRegistered method calls the overload that takes both a key and a type parameter with the type set as a Page object. IsStartupScriptRegistered方法的此重载调用接受key和type参数并且type设置为Page对象的重载。
- Not only can gain mismatch of the sigma-delta modulator be minimized, but the overload of the later stage sigma-delta modulator can also b e resolved without sacrificing the signal noise ratios( SNR) of the over all system. 不仅可以减轻积分三角调变器增益不匹配之困扰,并且可以解决后级积分三角调变器容易过负载之问题;然而,却不会让整体系统的讯号杂讯比(NR)降低。
- Do you know the density of population in this area? 你知道这个地区的人口密度吗?
- Not only can gain mismatch of the sigma-delta modulator be minimized, but the overload of the later stage sigma-delta modulator can also b e resolved without sacrificing the signal noise ratios (SNR) of the over all system. 不仅可以减轻积分三角调变器增益不匹配之困扰,并且可以解决后级积分三角调变器容易过负载之问题;然而,却不会让整体系统的讯号杂讯比(SNR)降低。
- Furthermore, urbanization in such a high speed has caused the exacerbation of the ecosystem, the overload of the city infrastructures, and the decreasing of urban human settlements. 快速城市化下中国城市生态环境恶化、城市基础设施超负荷运行、城市人居环境质量下降。
- Increase the inflow of population management. 加大流入人口管理力度。
- Demography is the analysis of population variables. 人口学是对人口变量的分析。
- You should test for the overload at each point of the cycle. 您应该在周期的每一点上测试超载。
- Specify absolute path information when using the overloads of the ReadXml method that take the file name as a string parameter. 使用接受文件名作为字符串参数的ReadXml方法的重载时,请指定绝对路径信息。
- We now come to the question of population. 现在我们开始谈人口问题。
- For code examples and a description of how to set up a customized filtering scenario using the IsAuthorized method, see the topics for the overloads of the method. 有关代码示例和如何使用IsAuthorized方法设置自定义筛选方案的说明,请参见有关该方法的重载的主题。
- No,actually,it's more a matter of population. 不,实际上这更是一个人口问题。
- Through an ensample, it simulates the overloading of certain kind of aircraft flying along the tridimensional trajectory curvefitted by using this method. 最后,通过具体算例对某型飞机按拟合三维航迹飞行的需用过载进行实时仿真并判断该拟合三维航迹的可飞性。
- Description for type of population. 对填充类型的说明。
- Censuses of population and statistical yearbooks. 人口普查与统计年报。
- Japan has a high density of population. 口密度很大。
- Yet I suppose I had not been five minutes on Moroccan soil before I noticed the overloading of the donkeys and was infuriated by it.There is no question that the donkeys are damnably treated. 然而就在我踏上摩洛哥土地的前五分钟,我还在为看到那些不堪重负的小驴子而生气,毫无疑问,那些驴子遭到了可憎的虐待。