- the orientation of private law 私法定位
- Keep the orientation of advanced culture firmly in hand. 牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向。
- So agri-business is the orientation of agriculture modernization. 因此,农业产业化是我国农业现代化的基本方向。
- The orientation of future depends on human's subjectivity. 人类未来的悲喜剧取决于人的主体性。
- The orientation of a spacecraft relative to its direction of motion. 飞行姿态宇宙飞船相对于其飞行方向所处的位置
- Reiner Schulze, European Private Law and Existing EC Law, European Review of Private Law, 2005/ 1, pp. 3-19. 这里的现行法包括所有欧共体的法律,具体来说有:欧共体/欧盟的所有条约、全部指令以及欧洲法院和欧洲初审法院所有的案例法。
- In the market, I breathed the smells of the Orient. 在集市上,我闻到了东方的气息。
- As the tiptop principle of private law field, can the sincerity principle be used in administrative law and established as a basic principle of administrative nomocracy? 诚信原则作为私法领域的最高原则,是否可适用于行政法并作为行政法治之基本原则得以确立呢?
- The orientation of the planet's orbit is changing continuously. 该行星轨道的方向不断变化。
- As the criterion of private law,Intellectual Property Law has many limits to the right subject,for supporting the viewpoint of interests equilibrium. 作为私法规范的知识产权法为何要对知识产权的权利主体作出诸多权利限制,隐藏其中的是利益均衡理念的支撑。
- We must adhere to the orientation of severing people and society. 坚持为人民服务,为社会服务的方向。
- Accounting supervision has the characteristics of both public and private law, which uses adjustment methods of public law to adjust the relations in field of private law. 摘要会计监管兼具公法和私法的特征,是用公法的调节方式调节私法领域内的关系。
- Formally, the reversion is "guity reference", but it has extreme necessity for breaking some criminal cases and is conformity with the orientation of law value. 证明责任倒置在形式上是“有罪推定”,但它对某些刑事案件实体真实的发现极具必要性,也符合正当的法律价值取向。
- He divided the field into broad categories corresponding to the major divisions of private law (family law, successions, property, contracts, torts. etc. 他依据私法的主要部分(家庭法、继承法、财产法、合同法、侵权法等)将国际私法领域划分为几大类。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- A change in membrane potential affects the orientation of charged molecules. 模电位变化影响着荷电分子的方向。
- The exceptional status of NPO property should not supplant NPOs’ personal property rights, nor should it elevate its legal status beyond the body of private law. 非营利组织财产上的特性既不应该抹杀非营利组织对于其自身财产的所有权,也不应该使其取得超越其他私法主体的法律地位。
- Despite of their differences,the fundamental principles of private law contract are still applicable to administrative contract in respect to their generality of contr... 行政合同虽然具有不同于私法合同的特点,但基于合同的共性,私法合同的基本原则对行政合同仍有适用的空间。
- OBJECTIVE:To explore the orientation of drugstore clerk's work role. 目的:探析药店店员工作角色定位。
- The gyro rate perceptor delivers information about the orientation of a body. 陀螺率感知器提供关于一个机构方向的信息。