- How hard should it try to suppress the opium trade? 抑制鸦片贸易的力度到底应该有多大?
- The material exhibits reveal the evil of the opium trade. 真实的资料,揭露出鸦片贸易的罪恶。
- James Legge oppose military aggression and the opium trade. 理雅各与及太平天国的关系,既反对英国政府参与镇压太平天国,又反对太平天国的异端信仰。
- Mr. De Montfried had left the slave trade and gone into the opium trade. 德·蒙特弗里德先生不干奴隶买卖,改行贩鸦片烟。
- This led to the appointment of Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-hsu) in March 1839 as special Commissioner in Canton with orders to stamp out the opium trade. 清廷有见及此,遂于一八三九年三月派遣钦差大臣林则徐赴粤,厉行禁烟。
- The professor spoke of the opium trade,as imposed on the Chinese at the point of the bayonet. 教授指出,雅片贸易是以武力强加给中国人的。
- They participated in the opium trade and in plotting the Opium War unleashed by Britain against China. 参与贩卖鸦片和策划1840年英国侵略中国的鸦片战争。
- The opium trade continues, however, with poppies grown in neighboring Myanmar( Burma) and elsewhere. 然而,因为邻国缅甸和其他地方的罂粟种植,鸦片贸易仍然在继续。
- The professor spoke of the opium trade, as imposed on the Chinese at the point of the bayonet. 教授指出,雅片贸易是以武力强加给中国人的。
- Britain gained Hong Kong only because of the Opium War, to use as a base for opium trade. 英国通过鸦片战争割占香港,把它作为鸦片贸易基地。
- Within the Chinese mandarinate there was an ongoing debate over legalizing the opium trade itself. 在中国的官场中,鸦片合法化的话题也一直在争论之中。
- Finally, we had extraterritoriality and used this legal advantage in order to be extremely active in the opium trade. 最后,我们有治外法权,并利用这一法律的好处,以极为活跃在鸦片贸易。
- I do not wish to exonerate the British government: it was was a moral culprit in the opium trade. 我不想开脱英国政府的责任;因为参加了鸦片贸易它还是值得责怪。
- The British government, urged by the interest groups connected with the opium trade, decided to wage war on China. 在英国的鸦片贸易利益集团强烈要求下,英国政府决定向中国发动战争。
- Trade had been in China's favour and silver flowed in until the growth of the opium trade - from 1800 onwards - reversed this trend. 初时,双方的贸易使中国有顺差,银元大量流入。但自一八零零年开始,鸦片贸易蓬勃,形势即告逆转。
- NATO believes that the Taliban are intimately bound up with the opium trade in the south, and that drugs money finances the insurgency. 北约相信,塔利班密切涉入南方的鸦片贸易,用毒品收益资助叛乱。
- Kicking farmers off their land to build a nuclear plant has ignited dissent in this tropical city once known as a haven for pirates and the opium trade. 踢农民离开他们的土地,建立一个核电厂已引发异议在这个热带城市曾一度被称为天堂海盗和鸦片贸易。
- He alleges while Taliban militants use the opium trade to finance their insurgency, Mr.Karzai and his supporters have also used the drug trade to get rich. 他说阿富汗塔利班武装分子走私鸦片来扶持叛乱活动,而卡尔扎伊总统及其支持者则通过走私毒品获利。
- It is through meticulous work that we achieved great success in the large-scale movements of banning opium-smoking and the opium trade and of agrarian reform, without publicizing them in the newspapers. 我们禁鸦片烟运动,土改运动,那样大的规模,都不登报,搞得那么细致,搞得那么好,都是在深入细致的工作基础上搞好的。
- It is through meticulous work that we achieved great success in the large-scale movements of banning opium-smoking and the opium trade and of agrarian reform,without publicizing them in the newspapers. 我们禁鸦片烟运动,土改运动,那样大的规模,都不登报,搞得那么细致,搞得那么好,都是在深入细致的工作基础上搞好的。