- the oBligatory term 义务年限
- The legal action concerning the obligatory rights has started. (二)关此项债权的诉讼已经开始。
- No sooner had we been installed than we were served the obligatory heavy meal. 我们刚刚安顿下来,就要我们去出席例行的盛大宴会。
- In addition to the obligatory matrix class, a quaternion class also exists. 除了必须的矩阵类,还有四元数类。
- Ecology is one of the obligatory courses for the major of Bioscience. 本课程是生物科学专业的专业课之一。
- The payment of duty on inbound or outbound articles shall be made by the obligatory duty payer prior to their release. 进出境物品的纳税义务人,应当在物品放行前缴纳税款。
- However, if Hajj was performed when he was an adult, then he has fulfilled the obligatory Hajj. 然而,如果他在成年后完成了朝觐,他就已经完成了主命朝觐。
- Therefore, the obligatory moral education that was instilled and inculcated still exists. 要使德育摆脱这种困境,走向理解是一条出路。
- If necessary, the customs may demand the obligatory duty payer to make supplementary declarations. 必要时,海关可以要求纳税义务人补充申报。
- The obligatory duty payer may ask the Customs for refunding within one year of the date of duty payment. 纳税义务人自缴纳税款之日起一年内,可以要求海关退还。
- The autumn or winter term start in September. 秋季或冬季学期九月份开始。
- There's usually no need to keep selling to them again and again (barring the obligatory seasonal promotions). 还有通常不需要再继续向他们出售(无强制季节促销).
- The tax amount shall be withheld by the obligatory withholder from each payment or payment due. 税款由扣缴义务人在每次支付或者到期应支付时,从支付或者到期应支付的款项中扣缴。
- Are there any exams at the end of this term? 这个学期期末有考试吗?
- Where necessary, the customs may demand the obligatory duty payer to make supplementary declarations. 必要时,海关可以要求纳税义务人补充申报。
- The second term commences in March. 第二学期自三月开始。
- In her remarks, Mrs. Pelosi delivered the obligatory promise of partnership with Republicans. But she immediately added a blunt warning to Mr. Bush on the war in Iraq. 佩洛西在发言中指出同共和党合作是义不容辞的责任,然后话锋一转直言布什总统在伊拉克政策上存在问题。
- But, the total amount received from the distribution through exercising the right shall not exceed the amount of the obligatory right to be liquidated. 但是,其行使权利所得分配总额,不得超过其应受清偿的债权额。
- The obligatory duty payer shall go through the refund formalities within 3 months as of the day when it receives the notice. 纳税义务人应当自收到通知之日起3个月内办理有关退税手续。
- We must aim for world peace in the long term. 我们要争取持久的世界和平。