- Can be used as cooling water for the nuclear power plant. 能为核电站提供大量的冷却用水。
- The Nuclear reactor is the heart of a nuclear power plant. 核电站的心脏是核反应堆。
- The nuclear power plant sits against Qinshan Mountain and faces the sea. 核电站背靠秦山,面对大海。
- A major catastrophe at the nuclear power plant affected the whole area. 核能发电厂的一场大灾难影响了整个地区。
- The nuclear reactor coolant pump (RCP) is one of the core equipments in PWR Nuclear Power Plant. 摘要核主泵是压水型反应堆核电站中的核心设备之一。
- An assessment team from the International Atomic Energy Agency spent four days inspecting the nuclear power plant. 国际原子能机构的一个评估小组用了4天的时间检测这座核电站。
- A: Why did the opposition vote to recall the president after the government halted construction of the nuclear power plant? 反对党为什么要在政府决定停建核电厂后投票罢免总统?
- In the coming movie, the plot revolves around Homer, who accidentally pollutes the river with toxic waste from the nuclear power plant. 在即将上映的电影中,故事围绕荷马展开,他无意间用核电站的有毒废料污染了河流。
- Equipment reliability is one of the key factors that maintains the nuclear power plant(NPP) agement and operation of equipments suitable for NPPs. 设备可靠性是维系核电站安全和生产的关键因素之一,设备的可靠性管理是提升企业核心竞争力的重要手段。
- Current, the nuclear power plant that builds on the world basically is thermal neutron caboodle, it uses the uranium in uranous resource - 235 fission. 目前,世界上建造的核电站主要是热中子堆型,它利用铀资源中的铀-235裂变。
- Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to he limited and might become exhausted in half a century,the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. 尽管大家知道铀燃料的供应是有限的,而且可能在半个世纪内耗尽,原子能发电站多年来却一直是特别受人喜爱的项目。
- Although supplies of uranium fuel were known to he limited and might become exhausted in half a century, the nuclear power plant has for a long time been a favorite project. 尽管大家知道铀燃料的供应是有限的,而且可能在半个世纪内耗尽,原子能发电站多年来却一直是特别受人喜爱的项目。
- Our country still exported the nuclear power plant of a coequal dimensions to Pakistan, make our country becomes the 8th state that can export nuclear power plant. 我国还向巴基斯坦出口了一座同等规模的核电站,使我国成为世界上第8个能够出口核电站的国家。
- About the safety of this nuclear power plant. 核电站的安全问题了。
- They are planning a new nuclear power plant. 他们正在策划一座新的核电厂。
- The importance and rule of geophysical exploration in the site selection for waste disposal of the nuclear power plant are briefed; its technology and application effectiveness are detailed. 论述了在核电站废料处置场选址中地球物理勘查的重要性和作用,并着重阐明对此类重点工程选址中的物探工作方法技术及应用效果。
- Authors consider that the operation unit of the nuclear power plant is suppos ed to be the main body of the safety culture of the plant, and is also the artif icial person of the safety of the plant. 提出并论述了核电营运单位是核电安全文化的主体,核电营运单位是核电安全的全面的法定负责者;
- The National Nuclear Safety Administration NNSA is a regulatory body within NEPA responsible for the safety operation and inspection of the nuclear power plants. 国家环保局下设有国家核安全局,负责监督核电站的安全运行及审查工作。
- Engineers try to design new nuclear power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. 工程师们试图设计新的核电厂以尽量减少对环境的危害。
- As concern increases over global warming caused by "greenhouse" gases, the nuclear industry is hoping for the opportunity to construct a new generation of smaller, simpler, and probably safer nuclear power plants. 由于“温室”效应引起的全球性升温的关注逐日升高,核工业正希望有机会建立小型的简易的或许更安全一些的核电厂。