- Ah, the Staff of the Netherworld. 啊,冥界手杖。
- The god of the netherworld and dispenser of earthly riches. 哈德斯冥界之神,人间财富的分发者
- You will go down to the netherworld. 莫非你要被高举到天上吗?将来你必下到阴府里;
- The Puranas talk about seven levels of the Netherworld. 宇宙古史谈论了阴间世界的七个级别。
- The God of the Netherworld.Abducted Danika, and brought her to the netherworld. 深渊之神,劫持大地女神巴萨的女儿达妮卡并将她带回深渊世界是他最有名的事迹。
- The spell summons 33 Longdead Horsemen led by a Wraith Lord of the Netherworld. 这个法术将从幽冥界召唤出由1个死灵领主,率领33个古尸骑兵,为法师指定的省份造成混乱。
- Cabalists are spell-casters, and more specifically, summoners and controllers of demons and the primal forces of the netherworld. 秘法师同时不仅仅是法术的施放者、更是恶魔和阴间原始力量的特殊号召者和控制者。
- I want to tell him: Do good deeds,You would be better on the underground road to the Netherworld. 活的累不累?我还想奉劝他一句:多积点德,黄泉道上路好走。
- Baldwin's death completed Danika's resurrection, and she transformed into the Queen of the Netherworld. 他的预想是在获得究极之力后再反目打倒达妮卡。
- Lictors are so closely connected with the Netherworld that they are surrounded by a wind of numbing cold. 由于执法吏与另一个世界紧密相连,所以他们周围环绕着一股令人麻痹的冷风。
- It is also mentioned as being conducive to the receipt of messages from the netherworld. 同时也被认为是通灵阴间的通灵器。
- Made contracts with demons from the netherworld by offering them the souls of those who died in Pogrom Forest. 他放纵来自深渊的恶魔自由攫取那些在波格罗姆森林死去的人们的灵魂,以此来获取魔鬼们的助力。
- They are the Staff of the Netherworld, the Cloak of Death`s Shadow, and the Ring of the Unrepentant. 它们分别是:冥界手杖、死亡阴影斗篷和无悔指环。
- He headed for the netherworld to try to find the flower but was unable to find it. 他出发到了魔界寻找“究极之花”,却无功而返。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- The Amulet of Necromancy I have, But the Ring of the Unrepentant, the Cloak of Death's Shadow, and the Staff of the Netherworld remain to be acquired. 现在我只拿到了招魂护身符,但是另外3件宝物:无悔指环、死亡阴影斗篷以及冥界手杖仍有待获取。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。