- Fairness and Efficiency Problem of the Social Security From"the Neglect of Peasant Worker" 从"民工荒"也谈社会保障的公平与效率问题
- the neglect of peasant worker 民工荒
- He blamed you for the neglect of duty. 他责备你怠忽职守。
- The time he can spare from the adornment of his person he devote to the neglect of his duty. 他把花在打扮上的时间省下来,却用到了玩忽职守上去。
- The accident was caused by the neglect of duty. 这起事故是由疏忽职守导致的。
- The law imposed penalties for the neglect of children. 法律对不照看儿童有处罚措施。
- From last centuries 80 time rise, rural labor resembles emerge to the city like tidewater, form estate of profession of peasant worker worker gradually. 自上个世纪80年代起,农村劳动力像潮水般涌向城市,逐渐形成农民工职业阶层。
- Mindful of small matters to the neglect of large ones. 丢了西瓜,抓了芝麻。
- In addition, I also regard Beijing Fuping school as the case for my thesis, and have carried on the field investigation to the training situation of peasant worker housekeeping personnel. 此外,笔者还以北京市富平学校为个案,对农民工家政人员的培训情况进行了田野调查。
- We should not just concentrate on one thing to the neglect of everything else. 不能只抓一头,把别的事都撇在一旁。
- I cannot comprehend the neglect of a family library in such days as these. 我有现在这样的日子过,自然不好意思疏忽家里的藏书室。
- Do not you see a lot of peasant work in the field? 你没看见有许多农民在地里干活吗?
- But revolution takes place on the basis of the need for material benefit.It would be idealism to emphasize the spirit of sacrifice to the neglect of material benefit. 但是,革命是在物质利益的基础上产生的,如果只讲牺牲精神,不讲物质利益,那就是唯心论。
- It is no good to pay attention only to the family to the neglect of the country. 只看到一个家,不看到国,那怎么行。
- Citizenry of peasant workers not only quickens the process of urbanization,but also effectively solves the problems confronting agriculture,rural areas and farmers. 农民工市民化不仅能加快城镇化进程,而且能有效地解决我国“三农”问题。
- He was dismissed for neglect of duty. 他因玩忽职守而被开除了。
- The author stemmed from the attention on peasant workers and chose the families of the new generation of peasant workers in Shanghai as the object of study. 笔者源于对农民工群体的关注,选择了以家庭流动方式来上海务工经商的新生代农民工家庭的消费结构为研究对象。
- When we become absorbed in day-to-day work to the neglect of study, we can easily get bogged down in the mediocrity of routine and become low-minded. 我们忙于事务,不注意学习,容易陷入庸俗的事务主义中去。不注意学习,忙于事务,思想就容易庸俗化。
- Furthermore, we must take care that neither collective leadership nor personal responsibility is overemphasized to the neglect of the other. 此外,还须注意,集体领导和个人负责,二者不可偏废。
- He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一贯玩忽职守。