- They are inseparable aspects of the natural world. 在自然界中它们是不可分割的方面。
- Man has dominion over the natural world. 人类拥有对自然界的统治权。
- Most of the natural world is composed of only about 20 elements. 自然界绝大多数物质大约只由20种元素组成。
- Each kingdom does something that sustains the natural world. 每个王国都做某些维系自然王国的事物。
- Abstract art looks like nothing in the natural world. 抽象艺术看上去完全不像是自然世界中的内容。
- The natural world dream does not even encompass the campgrounds. 自然界梦想甚至不包含野营地。
- There are many unknown things in the natural world waiting for us to explore. 自然界有很多未知的事物等着我们去探寻。
- The nature world is run by dominance and violence. 强权是世界的运行法则.
- He says taking inspiration from the natural world has become imperative. 他说从自然世界摄取灵感已变得必不可少。
- People living in overcrowded cities usually want to enjoy the natural world. 生活在拥挤不堪的城市里的人总想去享受自然界的乐趣。
- Qingshiqiao, cobble, to put you into a pro-ended and the natural world. 青石桥、鹅卵石,无声无息地把你带入一个亲和自然世界。
- Some lump ATVs in with snowmobiles - noisy intrusions on the natural world. 几辆全地形雪上汽车打破了大自然的宁静。
- British astronomer, physicist, and mathematician noted for his work on the kinetic theory of gases and his investigations into the relationships between mathematical concepts and the natural world. 詹姆斯,詹姆斯·霍普伍德1877-1946英国天文学家、物理学家和数学家。以气体动力学的研究和探索数学同自然界之间的关系著称
- Another theological point held in common by many Wiccans is the immanence of deity/divinity within the natural world, self and cycle of the seasons. 巫术崇拜者共同持有的另一种神学观点就是无所不在的神性/在自然世界、自我、季节循环之内的神性。
- Supernatural: is a more limited term, referring to a supposed existence beyond the natural world, such as angels, witchcraft or Satanism. 超自然现象:是一个更小范围的概念,指超出自然界的假想存在物,如天使、巫师、或者圣诞老人等。
- Four, ability for physiological adjustment most importantly the ability to adjust to the natural world. 四,生理调节能力,主要指对自然环境的适应能力。
- For inspiration about the form such protection could take,the IBM team turned to the natural world. 为了寻求关于这种保护的灵感,IBM公司转向求助于自然界。
- Galileo and Newton were redefining the natural world, which gave rise to words like encyclopedia, explain, gravity, paradox, external and chronology. 伽利略和牛顿对自然界事物重新定义,于是便有“百科全书”,“说明”,“重力”,“反论”,“外部”,“编年史”这类词的产生。
- Water is the natural medium in which fish live. 水是鱼类赖以生存的自然环境。
- Moral is not exist in the nature world my friend and you are wicked person. 道德在自然世界中是不存在的我的朋友,你是一个道德败坏的人。