- I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 我仍然为湖泊的自然美所吸引。
- The invaders prevailed over the native population. 入侵者打败了土著居民。
- In this area immigrant predominate over the native of the place. 在这一地区,移民在数量上超过了本地人。
- Why do we yearn this much for the native land? 我们为什么这样怀念故乡呢?
- The native Indians needed the buffalo. 土著印第安人需要野牛。
- The native Excel object that you want to wrap. 您要包装的本机Excel对象。
- The offset of the start of the native code. 本机代码开头的偏移量。
- We started it in the native language of the reader. 我们用读者的母语来写故事。
- After a long, slow, evil look the native went. 土人慢吞吞地、恶毒地望了他好一会儿,方才走开。
- All the time the native driver yelled and howled. 那个赶车的土人始终吆喝着,叫吼着。
- The kiwi is the native bird of New Zealand. 几维是新西兰德国鸟。
- The native habitat or home of an animal or plant. 一种动物或植物本能的住所。
- The native guided the explorers. 那个土著引导那些探险家。
- The natives make excellent boats from tree trunks. 土著人用树干制作上好的木船。
- The men trafficked with the natives for ivory. 这些人与土着居民做买卖以换取象牙。
- We had only limited communion with the natives. 我们与本地人的交往有限。
- Relating to or expressed in the native language or dialect. 用本国语的关于或用本国语或方言表达的
- The white people here don't mix socially with the natives. 这里的白种人不与土人交往。
- The ships did not have the native pilots. 这些船都没有本地人当舵手。
- The whites lord it over the native. 白人对土人如君临一般。