- Taxpayer: what do you mean by the method of derivation? 纳税人:什么是以支出换算收入?
- Objective To probe into the method of ICP-AES simultaneous measurement of multiple microelements in tuckahoe. 摘要目的探讨电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)同时测定茯苓中多种微量元素的方法。
- The others gave some pointers on improving the method of operation. 其他同志则出了一些点子来改进操作方法。
- By means of the method of multiple scales for nonlinear oscillations, the first approximate primary parametric resonance of the system is acquired. 应用非线性振动的多尺度法求得系统满足主参数共振条件的一次近似解,并进行数值计算,分析定常解的稳定性。
- According to the method of multiple scales for nonlinear vibration analysis, the approximation solution of 3 superharmonic resonance of the system is obtained. 根据非线性振动的多尺度解法,得到系统满足3次超谐共振情况的近似解,并对其进行数值计算。
- He told me the method of drabbling. 他告诉我沿底拖钓的方法。
- Do you think the method of payment is OK for you? 你们认为结算方式合适吗?
- According to the theory of Fuzzy math. ,the quality of twenty kinds of domestic can products of yellow peach were evaluated by using the method of synthetical valuation of multiple grade model,and the products were divided into four grade. 本文根据FuzzZ数学理论,运用多级模型的综合评判法,对国内20种黄桃罐头产品质量进行了优劣鉴评。
- The method of testing described here is fertile. 这里所描述的检验方法是有好处的。
- Method:The method of theory analyses with examples was used respectively on the utilization of orthogonal experiment,homogeneous design and synthesizing evaluation of multiple indexes in extracting standardization of chinese medicine as GEP. 方法:采用理论分析与实例介绍相结合的方法,分别从正交试验设计法的应用,均匀设计实验法的应用及多指标综合加权评分法的运用三个方面阐述了数理统计学在中药提取规范化即GEP实施中的运用。
- This article reviews the function of multiple endothelium factors and their relationship with hypertension,pathophysiology and the method of examination and treatment of endothelium dysfunction. 本文回顾了多种内皮因子的功能及其与高血压的关系,高血压病内皮功能障碍的可能机制,肱动脉超声检查方法以及内皮功能障碍的治疗对策。
- The only way Jim could solve the algebra problem was by the method of trial and error. 要解决这道代数题,吉姆唯一能做的就是不怕失败,反复尝试。
- "The method of multiple optimal pathlength combination" to improve prediction accuracy in multivariable calibration is theoretically verified and experimentally validated for the first time. 对“多波长最佳光程长组合方法”提高测量精度的机理进行了理论证明和实验验证。
- WT5”BZ]The compressible linear stability theory and the method of multiple scales are used to study the problem of three dimensional nonparallel flow stability for boundary layers. 采用线性稳定性理论和多重尺度方法,研究三维可压缩的非平行流边界层稳定性问题。
- With the method of irons cant solve problem. 用熨烫的方法是不能解决这样的问题的。
- With the method of multiple linear regression in SAS process, the relationship between their saikosaponins accumulating laws and ecological factor (climatic factor, anthropic factor etc.) is analysed. 泸西柴胡主要和降雨量有关;
- Development is the method of human progress. 人类进步的方法乃在于推陈出新。
- The methods of systematic coordination of multiple resonance signals in MRI was presented, as well as their applications. 随后介绍了利用不同点的共振信号与位置坐标对应建立核磁共振成像的方法和核磁共振的一些应用。
- The method of the AA induced by FCA. 佐剂性关节炎法;
- Considering the advantage of Support Vector Machine(SVM) in classification and identification,we studied the method of data association of multiple maneuvering targets based on SVM. 多机动目标跟踪问题是目前目标跟踪领域的一个重要研究方向,而数据关联与跟踪维持是多目标跟踪的核心部分。