- Our politicians should learn to cater for the man in the street. 我们的政治家要学会投合广大普通群众的需要。
- Take it easy! You are just the man in the street. 放松点,你只是个凡人。
- The newspaper took a poll of the man in the street. 报纸对普通人进行民意测验。
- The new tax concessions are intended to encourage Industrial investment and will have no direst effect on the man in the street. 新税收特许目的在于鼓励对工业投资,对普通老百姓没有什么直接的影响。
- The man in the street is opposed to this idea. 老百姓反对这种想法。
- These skits are popular with the man in the street. 这些活报剧老百姓很欢迎。
- He wants to know how the man in the street feels about the issue. 他很想知道普通人对这个问题的看法。
- Our politicians should learn to cater to the man in the street. 我们的政治家必须学会使广大普通群众满意。
- Our politicians should learn to caterfor the man in the street. 我们的政治家要学会投合广大普通群众的需要。
- Mack learned wisdom by the follies of the man in the street. 麦克从普通人的愚行中学到了智慧
- He played the man in the time of great trouble. 他在极为困难的时候显示出男子汉的气概。
- Politicians should learn to provide for the opinion of the man in the street. 政治家应该学会听取平民的意见。
- Politicians often don't understand the views of the man in the street. 政治家通常不理解平民百姓的观点。
- It is not uncommon to hear the man in the street gripe about hospital services. 因此,我们也不时可以听到许多民众对医院的不满和投诉。
- The man in the garage said he would charge up my car battery. 汽车库的人说他将给我车上的蓄电池充电。
- The man in the street is worried about the current economic situation. 老百姓担心目前的经济形势。
- The men in the hole sent up for more equipment. 在洞穴中的人们向上面要求再给他们一些设备。
- The men in the fort capitulated. 堡垒中的守军投降了。
- A man in the house is worth two in the street. 一男在室胜过两男在街。
- The man promenaded about in the street. 此人在街道上炫耀地游逛。