- The water samples of the surface layer sampled in the lower Yangtze River from June 2003 to July 2005 were used for determination of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC). 2003年6月~2005年7月在长江口每月采集表层水样;测定溶解有机碳(DOC)和颗粒有机碳(POC).
- Culture in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. 古老而多姿的新石器文化。
- Comparison of calculation methods for navigable stage design of tidal reach of the lower Yangtze River 长江下游感潮河段设计通航水位计算方法比较
- Frame of emergency treatment measures of oil spill from ships in the lower Yangtze River 长江下游船舶溢油应急处理措施框架
- Formation of Cultural Bureaucrat-landlord Families in the Six Dynasties and Their Influence on the Regional Culture South of the Lower Yangtze River 六朝文化世族的形成及其对江南文化的影响
- Formation Analysis and Regulation Plan for Dredging Channel of the Three Sand Shoals (Fujiang Sand Shoal, Tongzhou Sand Shoal and Baimao Sand Shoal)on the Lower Yangtze River 长江下游三沙(福姜沙、通州沙、白茆沙)水道演变分析及深水航道整治设想
- the lower Yangtze River 长江下游
- In this paper,a detailed synoptic case study of easterly wave which influenced the middle and lower Yangtze River is analyzed. 本文对影响长江中下游的东风波进行了详细的天气学个俐分析。
- After completion of TGP, the flood control situation of the middle and lower Yangtze river, especially the Jingjiang reach, will be improved radically. 三峡工程建成后长江中下游特别是荆江防洪形势将会发生根本性的改善。
- Drizzle often continues for a whole month south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in this season. 这个季节的江南经常会下弥月的细雨。
- The fifth paper gives a general outline of implementation of the "8401" project in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. 第五篇文章概括介绍了我国下扬子地区“8401”工程实施情况。
- Riprap protection of bank was applied in the middle and lower Yangtze River and many other rivers at home and abroad. 摘要抛石护岸历史悠久,在长江中下游及国内外各大河流中应用较为普遍。
- The living standard of the people in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River is higher than that of people in northern China. 江东地区的居民生活水平要高于北方地区。
- The sedimentary rocks formed in Pukou stage of Late Cretaceous period are distributed widely in the Lower Yangtze area. 摘要浦口期沉积范围遍及下扬子区。
- In Spring, in areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, there are numerous flowers which are beautiful and enchanting. 春天的江南乱花迷眼。
- Since the beginning of the rainy season, the areas south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River have had rain all day long every day. 江南地区已经入梅,整日阴雨不断。
- The lithospheric textural and structural features as well as oil and gas evaluation in the lower Yangtze area and its adjacent region, China II. 下扬子及邻区岩石圈结构构造特征与油气资源评价2。
- The Dam has a limited ability to control flood; in middle and lower Yangtze River valley, it will hinder the rare and valuable water animals and fishes from swimming from the middle and lower river to the upper riv-r for reproduction. 水坝控制中、下游洪涝灾害的能力是有一定限度的,会阻碍某些生活在中、下游的珍稀水兽和其它鱼类游到上游繁殖。
- The lower valley of the river is often flooded. 该河下游区域常遭洪水。
- The Lower Yangtze region containing a pre Sinian metamorphic basement, has entered an episode of intraplate evolution since the Sinian. 下扬子具有前震旦系变质基底,自震旦纪进入板内演化。