- His conversation reeks of the literary world. 他的言谈中提及文学世界。
- He set out to conquer the literary world of london. 他决心赢得伦敦文学界的赞誉。
- He's up-and-coming in the literary world. 他是文学界的后起之秀。
- He is prominent in the literary world. 他在文学界是杰出的。
- Zhou Meisen is famous for his"history novel"on the literary world. 周梅森是以“历史小说”的创作而闻名于文坛的。
- He was a writer who once set the whole of the literary world on fire. 他曾是一个蜚声文坛的作家。
- She was a lady who once set the whole of the literary world on fire. 她曾是一度引起整个文学界很大兴趣的女人。
- Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of Concord. 它们的不足应归咎子康考德文艺界的贫乏。
- As a mysterious romantic talent in the literary world,SU Man-shu went across his ephemeral and dismal life in the intense turbulence of modern China. 苏曼殊作为一个神秘、浪漫的文学天才,在近代中国东/西杂陈的剧烈动荡中,走过了他短暂而凄凉的一生。
- The most active and successful literal genre is the condemning novel in the literary world of late QING dynasity. 晚清文坛上最为活跃、最有创作实绩的是被称为“谴责小说”的一批职业文人的创作。
- The phenomenon deserves deep thinking that“the Red Legend”lasted only transiently in the literary world for 17 years. “红色传奇”在十七年文坛上的“昙花一现”,是当代文学流程中一个颇为令人深思的现象。
- The Italian character created by Stendhal is a great contribution to the literary world. 司汤达塑造的“意大利性格”是对世界文坛的一大贡献。
- Le Guin, it was a rude introduction to the quietly proliferating problem of digital piracy in the literary world. 对Le Guin女士来说这是一个在文学界对数码侵权的平静激增问题的粗略介绍。"
- Bi Feiyu is recognized in the literary world by his unique style of "Rakish and Meaningful". 毕飞宇以其独特的创作追求在文坛上正受到越来越多的人重视。
- Now restudy Yeshengtao’s novels and find the fact of his creation, may have good effect on the literary world today. 重新研究叶圣陶1920年代的小说创作,探究其真实面目,对当下文坛有重要的借鉴意义。
- Whether or not the Demonizing Trend in the Literary World of the 3rd World Nations is of Regularity Significance? 第三世界文坛的魔幻化倾向是否具有规律意义?
- A major new talent has burst on the literary scene. 有个惹人瞩目的新秀突然出现於文坛。
- Although Charlotte Bronte died too early, she made a great contribution to the literary world and had an effect on the later literature. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特的一生是短暂的,她对世界文坛的贡献却是巨大的,对后世的影响也是深远的。
- Commonly people consider Sherlock, Harpagon, Grandet, Plinshkin and Yan Jiansheng all are famous cheapskates in the literary world. 摘要通常认为,夏洛克、阿巴公、葛朗台、泼留希金和严监生都是吝啬鬼的著名典型。