- Conclusion The liquid extracted by BuOH or water can reduce the content of LPO,AST,AKP,and can increase the content of SOD,GSH-Px,liver hepatin and muscle hepatin and so on. 结论太白参醇溶成分在促进运动性疲劳恢复方面比水溶成分效果好。
- the liquid extracted by BuOH 醇溶成分
- "Lye: Alkaline liquid extracted by soaking wood ashes in water, commonly used for washing and in making soap. 碱液:将木灰浸在水中而提取出来的碱性液体,一般用于洗涤和制肥皂。
- "Lye: Alkaline liquid extracted by soaking wood ashes in water, commonly used for washing and in making soap. 碱液:将木灰浸在水中而提取出来的碱性液体,一般用于洗涤和制肥皂。
- The liquid extract is transferred to the turba film evaporator to be turned into a concentrate. 液体植物萃取物会送到螺旋液膜蒸发器进行浓缩。
- This paper studies the results and pharmacologic effects of the liquid extracted from Elephantopus scaber L. in curing three major symptoms of bronchitis (cough, sputum and stridor). 用动物实验方法,研究地胆根乙醇提取液治疗支气管炎,咳、痰、喘三种症状的效果及其药理作用。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- The liquid extraction and insufflation took on very clear characteristics. 结论X线检查仍是早期有效的检查与诊断方法;
- What is the rarest metal extracted by Dark Elves? 黑暗精灵提取的金属中哪种最珍贵?
- The dregs settled and the liquid became clear. 渣滓沉淀下来,液体变清了。
- Teeth extracted by the latest Methodists. 香港牙科诊所:由最新的卫理公会教。
- The liquid was 5 litres in volume. 该液体的体积为5升。
- The liquid falls from the container drop by drop. 该液体一滴一滴地从容器内掉下来。
- The solids were filtered out and only the liquid passed into the glass. 固态物质被过滤出来,只有液体流进了杯里。
- The SDF extracted by enzymic methods is yellow. 酶法的提取的SDF,颜色较浅,为黄色。
- Drains achieve a ready egress of the liquid blood. 引流能为血液提供一个容易的出口。
- The liquid medicine elements were misidentified. 药水的成分鉴定错了。
- The liquid obtained by leaching wood ashes. 碱液通过过滤木灰得到的液体
- METHODS The5 F was extracted by methanol and determined by HPLC. 方法用甲醇加热回流提取,反相高效液相色谱法定量分析。
- The liquid or gas exerting the pressure. 泡沫产生压力的液体或气体