- Breaking length Paper term for measurement of the limiting length of a uniformly wide strip of paper where the strip held by one end breaks due to its own weight. 量度纸张特性的造纸朮语。指一固定阔度的纸,在悬起一端时,因纸本身的重量而裂断的长度。
- Because of the commonness of the protocol hiberarchy dimension and the limited length of the paper, the protocol hiberarchy dimension have not been discussed in detail. 鉴于协议层次安全的共性以及篇幅的限制,本文没有在协议层次方面作详细的讨论。
- He weighed in at several pounds below the limit. 他赛前量体重比规定限度少几磅。
- You could win millions! The sky's the limit! 你有可能赢数百万.;无尽无休!
- That fence is the limit of the schoolyard. 那堵围墙是校园的界限。
- He is the limit of irresponsibility. 他的不负责任到了不能容忍的程度
- You're stretching my patience to the limit. 你逼得我再也无法忍受了。
- I feel cramped by the limitations of my job. 我觉得受工作束缚,没有什么奔头儿。
- Significance to determine the limit length of ventilation during the operation of highway tunnels 公路隧道运营通风中通风极限长度的确定及其意义
- Our patience has been taxed to the limit. 我们忍耐到了极点。
- The limit of this ratio as the length of the arc approaches zero. 曲率极限当弧长趋向于零时该曲率的极限
- She has reached the limit of her patience. 她已到了忍无可忍的地步。
- Order what you want. The sky is the limit. 你要什么就订购什么,毫无限制。
- The enemy had stretched himself to the limit. 敌人已发展至最大限度。
- Keep within the limits of the national economic strength. 控制在国民经济可以承受的范围之内。
- You could win millions ! The sky's the limit ! 你有可能赢数百万!无尽无休!
- the limiting length 极限长度
- With a talent like his, the sky's the limit. 以他的禀赋,前途不可限量。
- That fence shows the limit of my garden. 那篱笆就是我花园的边界。
- The play's plot stretches credulity to the limit. 这出戏的剧情简直就是胡编滥造。