- Set production, processing and sale of one of the limited liability company! 集生产加工与销售一体的有限责任公司!
- Pingxiang city in filling the limited liability company in Pingxiang Anyuan Economic Development Zone. 萍乡市中填有限责任公司位于萍乡安源经济开发区。
- Specializing in the production of precision molds automation equipment parts and other products of the limited liability company. 专业生产自动化设备精密模具零部件等产品的有限责任公司。
- The Limited liability company continues the advertisement, the neon light, the outdoor advertizing manufacture, the design. 中艺广告有限公司是一家专业从事平面设计,产品摄影,户外广告,室内外装饰及展示设计的广告公司。
- The limited liability company(LLC) created by German GmbH Law in 1892 isknown as "legislators invention", but it is not the product envisaged by the legislators. 1892年德国《有限责任公司法》创造的有限责任公司虽被称作“立法者的发明”,但它并非是立法者凭空设想的产物。
- If the superviser is also a wrongdoer, they may request in writing to the board of directors or to the acting director of the limited liability company with no board of directors in the same court. 如果监事违反职务规定的义务,股东可以书面请求董事会或者不设董事会的有限责任公司的执行董事向人民法院提起诉讼。
- The shareholders may request in writing to the board of supervisers or superviser of the limited liability company with no board of supervisers to initiate a lawsuit in the people's court. 股东可以书面请求监事会或者不设监事会的有限责任公司的监事向人民法院提起诉讼。
- An Analysis of the Share Transfer in the limited liability Company 有限责任公司出资转让透析
- Wuhu Xin Ocean Hotel, a limited liability company. 酒店介绍:芜湖鑫海洋大酒店有限责任公司。
- Hunan Ferroalloy Yosino limited liability company. 湖南永鑫铁合金有限责任公司.
- Article 19 A joint venture is a limited liability company. 第十九条 合营企业为有限责任公司。
- Article 4 The joint venture company is a limited liability company. 第四条 合营公司为有限责任公司。
- A Discuss of the Legal Issues in Respect to the Transfer of the Equity Interest in the Limited Liability Company 有限公司股权转让探析
- On the Qualification Cognizance of the Stockholders of the Limited Liability Company 论有限责任公司股东资格的认定
- Discussion of the Legal Issues of the Transfer of Stockholders'Rights in the Limited Liability Company 论有限责任公司股权转让中的法律问题
- The Legal Question of the Limited Liability Company's Partners' Disobeying the Obligation of Investment 有限责任公司股东违反出资义务若干法律问题
- Using a limited company will limit liability to a creditor to the value of the limited company. 采取有限公司的形式,就可以使股东对公司的资产承担有限责任。
- If the foreign-funded enterprise is the stockholder or sponsor of the limited liability company, its shares in the company must comply with the following requirements 外商投资企业作为公司股东或发起人时,其在公司中所占股本比例,须符合下列规定
- A limited liability company may be established by means of promotion or offer. 股份有限公司的设立,可以采取发起设立或者募集设立的方式。
- An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company. 合营企业的形式为有限责任公司。