- He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- He crawled on his belly in the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- The wind was so strong that we ran to the lee of the house. 风太大了,所以我们跑到屋子的背风处。
- Examine the falsework of a house. 检查一座房屋的临时鹰架。
- He crawled on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke. 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- the lee of a house 房子的背风面
- The dim outline of a house could be made out. 有一所房子的模糊轮廓依稀可辨。
- She pencilled the rough outline of a house. 她用铅笔画出房子的轮廓图。
- We had better get under the lee of the hedge until the rain stops. 我们最好在树篱下躲一躲等雨停。
- He crawl on his belly under the lee of a stone dyke . 他在一条石堤的掩护下匍匐前进。
- The house in the lee of the hill. 这幢房子在山坡的背面。
- We built the house in the lee of the hill. 我们把房子建在山上的背风处。
- We took refuge in the lee of the wall. 我们在墙的背风处暂避。
- The kitchen is an integral part of a house. 厨房是房子不可缺的部分
- Jack traced out the plan of a house quickly. 杰克很快描画出一座房屋的平面图。
- The inner room or parlor of a house with two rooms. 内室有两个房间的房子的内室或客厅
- As we passed to the lee of a small island called Cauda, we were hardly able to make the lifeboat secure. 有一个小岛名叫高达,我们就在这岛的背风岸急航,好不容易才把救生艇拉住。
- They lived in a house on the edge of a forest. 他们住在森林边缘一所房子里。
- Running under the lee of a small island called Cauda, we managed with difficulty to secure the ship's boat. 贴著一个小岛的背风岸奔行,那岛名叫高大,在那里仅仅收住了小船。
- They live in a house on the edge of a forest. 他们住在森林边缘一所房子里。