- This stage is characterized by the following features First, while public ownership is the leading factor, other forms of ownership coexist with it. 社会主义初级阶段基本经济特征主要有:第一,在生产资料所有制方面,以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济并存。
- The leading factor causing the variation of reproductive capability was the influence of under-herbosa on the average litter size of zoke. 造成鼢鼠繁殖强度变化的主要原因是林下草本植被对雌鼠平均胎仔数的影响。
- Until modern society, the people sovereign right idea become the leading factor in west politics field and is affirmed by west constitutional government system. 直到近代社会,人民主权理念才真正成为西方政治领域的主导理念,为西方宪政制度所确认。
- Using science and technology as the leading factor, intensify the training and management, improve the overall qualities and athletic ability of the coaches and athletes in an all-round way. 以科技为先导,强化训练和管理,全面提高教练员、运动员的综合素质和竞技能力。
- The leading role is played by a complete unknown. 演主角的是一个毫无名气的演员。
- Using science and technology as the leading factor,intensify the training and management,improve the overall qualities and athletic ability of the coaches and athletes in an all-round way. 以科技为先导,强化训练和管理,全面提高教练员、运动员的综合素质和竞技能力。
- The moss deposits business mainly conveniently in extensive garlic , is that garlic moss buying and selling merchant provides fervent credit to the leading factor serving, to increase economic efficiency actively reliably. 主要方便于广大的蒜苔储藏商,积极稳妥地为蒜苔购销商提供热情信誉服务,以提高经济效益为主导。
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
- Shirley will try out for the lead in the play. 雪莉将参加该剧主角的选拔演出。
- Western fashion always used as the leading factor;world trend is combined closely and different colors are selected by A&MAPE to highlight modern people's elegant, confident, and fashionable features. 品牌一贯以欧美休闲风尚为主导,紧密结合世界流行趋势,用不同的色系点缀出最亮丽的一道风景线,彰显出现代都市人的高雅、自信、时尚的特性!
- The trend of marketing that the marketing of the network is becoming the leading factor and craning one's neck to look into the distance, become enterprise's marketing important means slowly. 网络营销正成为主导引领营销的潮流,慢慢成为企业营销的重要手段。
- Have you read the leading story in the newspaper? 你看了报纸的头条新闻了吗?
- The results showed that friction heat had to be considered at starting time, but might not be important at steady running time, while hysteresis heat was the leading factor on heat build-up. 结果发现,在轮胎启动初始阶段摩擦热源对温升的影响不能忽略,但当轮胎进入稳态行驶阶段后,滞后热源成为影响轮胎温升的主要因素,而摩擦热源可以忽略不计。
- The leading hounds are trying back. 领头的几只猎犬折回原路,重找失去的嗅迹。
- Mary stood in for the leading lady yesterday. 昨天玛丽做了女主角的替身。
- Territorial and religious issues are the leading factors that made the Middle East a trouble spot. 领土和宗教争端是导致中东局势动荡不安的主要原因。
- Alice has the lead in the school play. 艾丽斯在学校演出的戏剧中担任主角。
- He is one of the leading brains in the country. 他是国家的知识分子精英。
- The syncline structure feature mainly controls the leading factors influenc ing the slope stability. 向斜构造特征主要控制影响边坡稳定的主导因素;
- Tom was closing on the leading runner. 汤姆逐渐追上跑在前面的人。