- His house is the last but one in this street. 他的房子是这条街的倒数第二座。
- Jack was the last but one to leave. 杰克是倒数第二个离开的。
- the last president but one 倒数第二个总统
- Jack was the last but one to arrive. 杰克是倒数第二个到达的。
- I live in the last house but one in this lane. 我住在这条胡同里倒数第二家。
- He was the last but one to arrive. 他是倒数第二个到的。
- Let's look at the last paragraph but one. 大家看倒数第二段。
- He stayed with the foremost runner till the last lap but one. 他直到倒数第二圈还紧紧地跟住领先的那个赛跑运动员。
- A prime beneficiary was Jacques Chirac, the last president. 首席受益人是上届总统雅克希拉克。
- The villain of the novel is polished off in the last chapter but one. 小说,中的那个坏蛋在书中倒数第二章里被干掉了。
- My horse came next to last (ie last but one) in the race. 我的那匹马在比赛中得了倒数第二名。
- At13:30 in the afternoon the next day but one. 开车后第三天下午13点30分到。
- You'll have to take a 114 at Baiyun Road,and get off at the last but one stop,and there you are. 你要在白云路坐114路车到倒数第二站下车,你便到目的地了。
- You'll have to take a 114 at Baiyun road,and get off at the last but one stop,and there you be. 你要在白云路坐114路车到倒数第二站下车,你便到目的地了。
- He expected Godwin to be elected President but as it happened, he backed the wrong horse. 他预料戈德温将当选总统,事实上他完全估计错了。
- The last one mile is all uphill. 最后一英里全是上坡路。
- This chapter takes up where the last one left off. 本章接续上一章谈到的内容。
- Genius is but one remove from insanity. 天才与疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。
- She may complain, but he has the last word. 她可以发牢骚,但他说了算。
- But one who reads prayerfully and carefully the last two chapters of this book will see that the Lord has indeed made provision for the fulfilment of this command. 但如果你存祷告的心细读这本书的最后两章,就会发现其实上帝已经预备能力,让我们能实践这命令。