- the largest possible quantity. 可能达到的最大的数量。
- Gets the largest possible number of console window columns, based on the current font and screen resolution. 根据当前字体和屏幕分辨率获取控制台窗口可能具有的最大列数。
- Gets the largest possible number of console window rows, based on the current font and screen resolution. 根据当前字体和屏幕分辨率获取控制台窗口可能具有的最大行数。
- To increase brand awareness, we will have to advertise on TV to reach the largest possible audience. 为了提高知名度,我们必须打电视广告,尽可能让最广的观众看到我们的产品。
- The maximum is the largest possible value of a 32-bit integer, which represents infinity to the operating system. 最大值为32位整数的最大可能值,这对于操作系统而言表示无限大。
- Our goal is to disrupt the summit as best we can with the largest possible mobilization on the 20th and 21st. 我们的目标是破坏高峰会,最好是进行一次20世纪和21世纪的最大可能的动员。
- Wordy translation uses the largest possible number of words to convey the smallest amount of meanings. 罗嗦的译文专门压缩思想,让它小得不能再小,却用了多得不能再多的语言。
- Those with the most marketable global talents would be richer, because they could sell to the largest possible market. 有全球市场经济头脑的人将因为他们可以在在更广阔的可能的市场上经商而更为富有。
- The greatest possible quantity or degree. 最大量最大数量或最高程度
- The least possible quantity or degree. 最低尽可能小的数量或程度
- A new feature in WitP is the Maximum Range setting. In order to search the largest possible area, the maximum range for this aircraft was selected (24 hexes). 注意:最大半径是WitP的新特性。为了尽可能搜索更大的范围,此处将执行半径设置到它的最大半径(24格)。
- To maximize the size of the Copyright message we will test 7 different Font sizes to determine the largest possible size we can use for the width of our Photograph. 为了最大化版权信息的大小,我们将测试7种不同的字体大小来决定我们能为我们的照片宽度应用的可能的最大大小。
- In the most straightforward version of the basic algorithm, each freed chunk is immediately coalesced with neighbors to form the largest possible unused chunk. 在这个基本算法的最简单的版本中,每一个被释放的块被立即合并到相邻的块以形成一个尽可能最大的未使用块。
- The core of the charger DC power converters, which flows from the power supply has been absorbed energy to the largest possible current charge into a rechargeable battery. 该充电器的核心为直流电源变换器,它从一直流电源中吸收电能,以尽可能大的电流充入一个可充电池。
- The vertices of one of the other polyhedron (the foreground polyhedron) are similarly adjusted to give the largest possible polyhedron that contains no foreground pixels from the sample provided. 顶点另外一个多面体(前景多面体)的调整同样给予最大可能的多面体,不包含前景象素从样品提供。
- Classic anti-tower type of travel hand in the beginning of the game has some money, and then Fang Yuta construction, the largest possible number of enemy killed, and then use the mone... 经典塔防类手游,在游戏开始时有一定的资金,然后建造防御塔,尽可能多的杀死敌人,然后用杀死敌人获得金钱去建造具有不同攻击力的防御塔,最终目的是消灭所有敌人。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
- If the computer is playing as Max, the computer will try to maximize the point value of the position, with a win (checkmate) being equal to the largest possible value (positive 1 million, let's say). 如果计算机是马克思一方,程序会试图使博弈形势的分值最大化,同时为获胜结局(将死)赋最大值(比如说这个值是一百万)。
- Include some of the largest vessels afloat. 包括在海上航行着的一些最大的船只。
- He piloted us through the large factory. 他领我们参观了这个大工厂。