- Meanwhile, the land use change in Wuxi municipali-ty has led to the obvious environment effect. 土地利用快速变化也导致明显环境效应。
- The eco-environment in the study area is very vulnerable to the land use change, resulting in land desertification and loss of water and soil. 15年里景观破碎化程度加剧,分维数和多样性指数增加,优势度降低,景观异质性增强。
- PRA along with field measure is applied to study the land use change in village scale, taking the Yaoledianzi village in Korqin Sand as an example. 该文借助参与性农村评估方法结合实地考察、测量,以科尔沁沙地东南部尧勒甸子村为例对小尺度区域的土地利用变化进行初步研究。
- The study result indicates that the coal mining and the development have done an important influence on the land use change of pingdingshan city. 研究发现:煤炭开采、城市发展对平顶山市土地利用变化具有重要的影响;
- The purpose of this study is to design the orthophoto image processing of SPOT5 image data for the land use change survey application. 摘要本文研究目的是根据云南省实际,研究和设计云南省土地利用现状更新调查中卫星遥感影像正射处理技术流程。
- We take the land use change of Daqing city as the starting point,analysis the ecological footprint in 1999 and 2004,and discuss the ecological environment effect. 以近年来大庆市土地利用变化作为切入点,通过对大庆市1999年和2004年土地利用生态足迹的研究,对其产生的区域生态环境效应进行了探讨。
- The land use change of urban fringe is complicated and rapid.It is of great significance to simulate the spatio-temporal structure of this area in the field of land planning. 摘要大城市边缘区的土地利用变化复杂而迅速,采用定量模型对此地域的时空格局进行模拟,在土地规划领域有重大意义。
- The results indicate that the ecosystem service values of Daqing(City) have been diminished due to the land use change in 13 years. The loss of ecosystem service values has reached 20.76%~24.01%. 研究结果表明;13年间;大庆市土地利用的变化损害了该区域生态系统的生态服务功能;使生态系统服务价值损失了20.;76%25~24
- Based on the digitizing data of the land use map of the Taiping St. area in Wenling city between 1996 and 2001, the characteristics of land use changes were analyzed. 基于土地利用图的数字化数据,分析了1996-2001年温岭市太平街道土地利用的动态变化及其景观生态效应。
- The land use observations in Daan station area, Technology Building station area and Liuzhangli station area along metro Brown Line were used as sample for calibrating land use change rules. 实例分析对象选择台北捷运木栅线之大安站、科技大楼站和六张犁站,以三个类型相似的捷运站区资料来进行罗吉特模式的校估,用以得此类型的捷运站区土地使用变迁规则。
- By changing the legal ratios of floor space to site space (RFS) and building coverage to site space (RBS), the land use change impacts of implementing TOD strategies were explored. 并利用调整邻近捷运站土地的法定建蔽率及法定容积率的方式,来模拟执行大众运输导向发展规划策略对其土地使用变迁的影响。
- Me: I brought the land use contract. 我埋头找那个土地承包合同,却一时找不到。
- index of the effect on the environment from the land use change 土地利用变化环境效应指数
- The land use changes of Shuangcheng City and their impacts on grain yield and environment were discussed by using the spatial analysis function of GIS on the basis of Landsat data in the years of 1986 and 2000 combined with the statistic data. 以1986年和2000年1:10万陆地卫星解译数据为基础,结合统计数据,利用地理信息系统的空间分析功能,分析了14年来双城市土地利用变化情况及其对粮食产量和环境效应的影响。
- Variation of ecosystem services'value of Kunshan based on the land use change 土地利用变化对昆山生态系统服务价值的影响
- The land use type with maximal change differed with the cities. 不同矿业城市变化率最大的土地类型均不相同,鞍山为建设用地,增加5.;45%25;
- The Analysis of the Land Use Change and Driving Forces in the Yangtze River Delta 长江三角洲土地利用变化及驱动力分析
- Studies on Land Use Change and the Land Salinization of the Western Songnen Plain-- A Case Study on Da'an City 松嫩平原西部土地利用变化及其盐渍化效应研究--以大安市为例
- Environmental impact of the land use change in Yuzixi Catchment in the last 20 years 近20年渔子溪流域土地利用变化的环境影响