- I won't dispute the justice of his remarks. 我不怀疑他的话是公平合理的。
- The justice of these remarks was clear to everyone. 人人都明白这些话是公正的。
- We tangled heatedly over the justice of the war. 我们就这场战争的正义性激烈地争了起来。
- I see the justice of his remark. 我知道他所说的是正确的。
- As a restricted measure to principle of freedom of contract, the compulsory contracting system plays an important part in protecting the profits of inferiors, safeguarding the justice of contract. 摘要强制缔约制度作为对合同自由原则的限制措施,对保护弱者利益、维护合同正义发挥着重要的作用。
- Who can deny the justice of their cause? 谁能否认他们的追求是合理的呢?
- The justice of water purges defilement. 水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢。
- He was the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
- We are persuaded of the justice of her case. 我们确信对她案件的审理是公正的。
- He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
- He is the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant. 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
- He is the justice of the peace that jugged me for a vagrant . 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官
- Theory about the justice of criminal judicial process II. 刑事司法程序正义论2。
- The justice of the Church is not a mockery, my lord. 教会法律并不是儿戏,阁下。
- The expiration of contract is coming. 合同快到期了。
- Othello. Good, good: the justice of it pleases: very good. 奥瑟罗好,好;那是一个大快人心的处置,很好。
- He is the justice of the peace that jug me for a vagrant . 他就是把我作为游民关进牢房的治安法官。
- The journalist challenged the justice of the new law. 新闻记者向最新法律的公正性挑战。
- That makes Form Clause conform to Freedom of Contract superficially, but violate the requirements of Justice of Contract substantively. 这使得以格式条款缔结的合同表面上符合契约自由原则,但实质上却违背了契约正义的要求。
- the justice of contract 契约正义