- The information asymmetry of credit market causes credit admeasure appearance, form credit gap then. 信贷 市场 的 信息 不对 称 导致 信贷 配 给现 象,进而 形 成信 贷缺 口 。
- Finally, based the information asymmetry, the thesis studied issues of selection of strategic copartner. 最后,研究了基于信息不对称的战略合作伙伴的选择问题。
- It first analyzes the theoretical foundation of deposit insurance, i.e. the information asymmetry between the banks and the public. 首先对存款保险的理论依据,即银行和存款人之间的信息不对称问题进行分析,存款保险的出发点就是克服信息不对称问题给银行业带来的负面效应;
- The choice of the optimal financing policy can avoid the problem of overinvestment and underinvestment, caused by the information asymmetry, to some extent. 企业是一系列契约的有机组合,不完备的股权和债权融资契约在企业契约体系中处于基础地位。
- There are unavoidably academic misconducts because of the information asymmetry of two parties, the incompleteness of contract and the limited rationality of human beings. 学术失范是低投入、高收益的行为,并能形成“马太效应”。
- This thesis apply the information economics and the microeconomics to analyze the economic reason for advertising naissance, to describe the information asymmetry between procreators and customers. 本文运用信息经济学和微观经济学理论,分析了广告产生的经济学原因,叙述了由于消费者和广告主之间存在着信息不对称现象,出于双方信息交换的需要,而产生了广告。
- This article stresses two sides. The first is the credits admeasure which is caused by the information asymmetry between the bank and enterprise. The S-W model proposed by Stiglize and Weiss was used to analyse this phenomenon. 一方面是由于银企之间的信息不对称产生的信贷配给问题,文中利用Stiglitz和W e iss的S-W模型对此给出了经济学上的理论分析;
- This paper argues that the gap of managerial ability is the main motive, and the information asymmetry is the main barrier to introduce professional managers along with the growth of enterprises. 摘要分析企业成长中职业经理人引入的动因和主要障碍,认为:管理能力缺口是主要动因,信息不对称是主要障碍。
- Compared with the big financial institutions,the local medium and small financial institutions can have the comparative advantage to weaken the information asymmetry from the theory and the reality. 与大型金融机构相比,地方中小金融机构从理论和现实两方面,都具有弱化这种信息不对称的内在比较优势;
- In the information asymmetry market, the social consequence of moral hazard from opportunism trend is not only overspending medical fee, but also destroy on confidence construction and trust system. 在信息不对称的市场上,因为机会主义倾向而导致的道德风险,其后果不仅是日益增长的医疗保险费用支出,同样不可忽视的是它对诚信建设和信任系统的破坏。
- The information asymmetry between organizations and the otherness between inhomogeneous subjects are the main reasons to arise interface obstacles of technology transfer between organizations. 组织间的信息不对称,不同质的主体间的差异性,是引起组织间技术转移界面障碍的主要原因。
- The information ought to be made more accessible. 资料应该明白易懂。
- I had to coax the information out of him. 我得用好话套出他掌握的情况。
- This book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含你所需的一切资料。
- I wonder who spilled out the information. 我不知道谁泄漏了这一消息。
- The informer has done dirt to her. 告密者说了她很多坏话。
- This alludes to an information asymmetry problem. 这就表明信息不对称的问题存在。
- The information consists with his account. 消息与他的叙述相符合。
- This paper discusses the mortgage-backed securities(MBS) and the information asymmetries in the MBS market. 讨论抵押贷款证券化及其信息不对称。