- The inferno of battle. 战斗的恐怖景象
- the hell of battle; the inferno of the engine room; when you're alone Christmas is the pits;. 战争使人间变成地狱。
- the inferno of battle 战斗的恐怖景象
- He was a deserter. He ran from the field of battle. 他是一个逃兵,有一次他从战场上跑掉。
- Their meteorologists had predicted several days of such weather, during which it was calculated that the Allied air forces would be grounded and the German supply columns spared the inferno of Normandy. 根据天气预报,会连着几天有这样的气候,估计盟军的飞机在这期间不能起飞,德国的供应线可以免遭诺曼底那样的浩劫。
- The joy of battle is not the least of their joys! 战争不是他们唯一的快乐之源!
- Once he ran from the field of battle . 有一次,他从战场上逃走了。
- The field of battle awaits us again! 战场再次召唤我们前往!
- The inferno has killed 64 people in just five days. 大火仅在短短五天内就夺去了64人的生命。
- The enemy 's line of battle reeled. 敌人的战线溃退了。
- Life is burning in the inferno!! 生命之火在地狱燃烧!!!
- Hell hounds and cerberi are the spearhead of the inferno forces. 地狱猎犬和三首猎犬是地狱族部队的先头部队。
- The knight felt no fear in the midst of battle. 那武士在战斗中毫不感到惧怕。
- It would merely have been an incident of battle. 这只是战争中的一件平凡的事。
- So we dance a dance of battle again. 我再度跳起死亡之舞。
- So we meet upon the field of battle! 我们相遇于战场之上!
- The enemy's line of battle reeled. 敌人的战线溃退了。
- Once he ran from the field of battle. 有一次,他从战场上逃走了。
- On the field of battle there are no certainties. 在战场上没有必然性可言。
- he considered and reconsidered this idea, devoured it (so to speak), as the implacable Ugolino devours the skull of Archbishop Roger in the Inferno of Dante. 他把这个念头想了又想,然后,象但丁的地狱里的乌哥里诺吞下罗格大主教的头颅骨似的把它囫囵吞了下去。