- Jeff: What does the implicit quality mean? 杰夫:含而不露是什么意思?
- The unexpected news denuded of all his self respect. 这出乎意料的消息使他完全丧失了自尊心。
- He is of humble origins, but has a high level of self respect and support. 他出身寒微,但自立自强。
- She had the implicit trust of her staff. 她得到了全体职员的绝对信任。
- You have no legal power into the implicit forum! 您没有权限进入隐含论坛!
- Greece must have a system if it is to become a self supporting and self respecting democracy. 要想成为一个自立、自尊的民主国家,希腊必须有一个健全的体制。
- Increased health, better sexual relationships, more self esteem and self respect? Where does it move to? 更健康,更好的两性关系,更自尊自爱?它带你去哪里?
- A complete analysis must build on the implicit function theorem. 完整的分析必须建立在隐函数定理的基础上。
- We can know that we are worthy people. We will have self respect, self esteem, because we know God made us. 我们能知道我们是有价值的,我们能自尊自重,因为我们知道神创造我们。
- You can and should encourage children to have both self respect and respect for their neighbors. 你可以也应该鼓励孩子们既要尊重自己又要尊重邻居。
- To the implicit local variable with the same name as the function. 这包括忽略与函数同名的隐式局部变量的。
- Worse, they lack discipline because of the implicit guarantee. 更坏的是因为完全的担保他们缺乏纪律。
- With the constructiveness of maternity, Rosamund satisfies her need for maternal love and self respect. 经过母爱的洗礼,罗丝蒙德不仅满足了自己母性的需要,而且也满足了对自尊的需要。
- The implicit implication about the deficit is not explicit. 关于赤字的暗示的暗示不明确。
- The person with self respect, self control that owns compulsions that actually move him forward in life rather than getting him stuck. 这个人有自爱,有自制力,这使他在生命中不断前进,而不会受阻碍,被绊倒。
- Greer cites three reasons: “To earn a decent living for yourself and your loved ones,” self respect and desire for success. 格里尔提出了3个理由:“为你和你所爱的人赢得体面的生活”、自尊以及对成功的渴望。
- SET DATEFORMAT overrides the implicit date format setting of SET LANGUAGE. SET DATEFORMAT将覆盖SET LANGUAGE的隐式日期格式设置。
- This takes precedence over the Implicit label of the left expression. 它的优先级高于左表达式的隐式标签。
- His ego was tickled by the implicit flattery of the journalist's attention. 那个记者的蓄意奉承使他的自负得到了满足。
- We have proved the invariance of M only with the implicit assumption w/? 锁 ?. 仅仅在暗中假定w/?锁?时,我们才证明了M的不变性。