- The idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties differ from thoughts in Qing Dynasty in many aspects. 宋明理学与清代思想之间就其“变”的一面来说,在于成就“内圣”的途径有异:前者主“尊德性”,后者主“道问学”;
- The Idealist Philosophy of Song-ming dynasties 宋明理学
- The aesthetic system of Schopenhauer is based upon the idealistic philosophy of voluntarism, meaning that all phenomena of beauty are the presentational forms of the objective nature of Ideas. 摘要叔本华的美学体系直接建立在他的唯意志论的唯心主义的哲学之上。认为一切美的现象都是理念的客体本质的表象形态。
- From the End of Qing Dynasty to the Early Min Guo Period: the Idealist Philosophy of Dai Zhen on History and its Neoteric Enlightenment Significance 清末民初:戴震义理之学的历史影响及近代启蒙意义
- The Cultural Integration of Social, Mentality and Tradition--A Discussion on the Binding Basis of the Idealist Philosophy and Literature in the Song Dynasty 社会、心理与传统的文化整合--论宋代理学与文学的联结基础
- This conclusion totally negates German classical idealist philosophy. 作这样一个结论,就把德国古典唯心主义哲学全盘否定了。
- the idealist philosophy 理学
- Metaphysics is part and parcel of the idealist world outlook. 形而上学是唯心主义世界观的组成部分。
- His critical summarizing and inheriting Shongming idealist philosophy has pushed forward Chinese new Confucian school. 他对宋明理学所作的批判性总结和继承,推动了中国新儒学的发展。
- This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties. 本文试图在宋明理学的天空下构筑法的世界。
- In education, Luo Zenan revered the Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and paid attention to the application of the educational method. 在教育方面则以理学为尊,注重教育方法的运用。
- For instance, in his time, German classical idealist philosophy was described as a reaction on the part of the German aristocracy to the French revolution. 比如在他那个时期,把德国古典唯心主义哲学说成是德国贵族对于法国革命的一种反动。
- Although QIAN Da-xin proposes the question to Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties in many categories, he holds Wang Yangming and ZHU Xi in high esteem. 尽管钱大昕对宋明理学的很多范畴提出质疑,但他对朱熹、王阳明正心诚意、主敬立诚的思想又十分推崇。
- The idealistic strain in Western philosophy was carried to its highest pitch. 西方哲学中的唯心主义倾向达到了其发展的顶峰。
- In his early years, he accepted the ideas of Transcendentalism, an eclectic idealist philosophy that included among its advocates Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, and Bronson Alcott. 他早年接受了超越论的思想,一种折衷的理想主义哲学,接受这种思想的还包括该理论的提倡者拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生、玛格丽特·福勒以及布朗森·奥尔科特。
- She delivered a talk on philosophy to the society. 她给学会作了一次有关哲学的讲话。
- Cifu in South Song dynasty was affected firstly by the psychology of interversion, secondly by Buddism, Taoism and Confusian school of idealist philosophy of that time, thirdly by the choice of the theme and artistic conception. 具体表现为:沉潜内敛心理特征的影响;释、道、理学思想的影响;题材的选择、构思方面的影响。
- Class of masses medium major includes the study of the course such as a Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of the semeiology, sociolinguistics, history, sociological, anthropologic understanding that reach an agency. 大众传媒专业课包括符号学、社会语言学、历史、社会学、人类学及社会心理学等课程的学习。
- Under the guidance of the Party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favor of the materialist. 在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。