- The humour of it is not to be absorbed in a hurry. 其中的幽默不是一下子能领会的。
- He was not in the humour to seek anything. 他没有心情去追求任何东西。
- The humour of the gods had run amok. 神的玩笑开得太过火了。
- They failed to see the humour of the situation. 他们没有看出这情景的滑稽之处。
- I'll do it when the humour takes me. 我心情好时就去做。
- The humour in the life takes finding! 生活中的任何幽默需要人们去发掘!
- the humour journal 幽默刊物
- She failed to pick up on the humour in his remark. 她没有领悟他话中的幽默。
- She was in the humour both to admire and adopt the art. 她现在正好有心情欣赏和仿效这种艺术。
- To make judgement only by their rules,is the humour of a scholar. 办事只知照本宣科,实为书呆子气。
- She fully exploits the humour of her role in the play. 她在剧中把她那个角色的幽默发挥得淋漓尽致。
- The humour of the play is self-conscious and contrived. 这部剧的幽默是刻意而为的,而且牵强做作。
- The humour is wasted on them, ie They do not appreciate it. 这种幽默他们并不欣赏。
- It is the humour of many heads to extol the days of their forefathers. 许多人天生喜欢吹捧祖先的时代。
- The journal makes its appearance once two months. 这本刊物两个月出版一次。
- The journal is published monthly. 那本杂志是月刊。
- You both seem to lack the lusty cut and thrust and the humour a good marriage needs. 正常的婚姻中有幽默,也有争吵,而这些似乎正是你们俩的生活中所没有的。
- The old man seemed out of humour. 这老头看来有些不高兴。
- There was such an ingratiating tone about Hurstwood's voice, the insinuation was so perceptible that even Carrie got the humour of it. 赫斯渥说话时带着讨好的口气,他的意思那么明显,连嘉莉也听出了话中的诙谐意思。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。