- the house against the church 教堂隔壁的房子
- The dog guarded the house against the strangers. 狗守护着房子防止生人进入。
- The dog guarded the house against strangers. 狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。
- He lived over against the church. 他住在教堂对面。
- You can see the house past the church. 你可以看到教堂那边的那所房子.
- The church was relieved against the sky. 教堂在天空衬托下显得轮廓分明。
- The church tower stood against the sky like a finger pointing towards heaven. 教堂塔楼在天空的衬托之下,像一个手指直指苍穹。
- He launched into a tirade against the church. 他发表了一篇抨击教会的长篇演说。
- A watchdog guarded the house against thieves. 看门狗保护房子以防小偷。
- We live in the house just past the church. 我们就住在挨着教堂那边的房子里。
- We live in the house which abuts on the church. 我们住在紧靠教堂的那栋房子里。
- The church spire ~ed above the houses. 高耸于房屋之上的教堂尖顶.
- The bamboos scraped against the back wall of the house. 竹子擦着房子的后墙。
- The tempest beats against the house. 暴风雨冲击着这座房子。
- The house is opposite the church; you can't miss it. 那房子在教堂对面,你不可能找不到。
- We keep a watchdog to guard the house against thieves. 我们养了一条看门狗来看家防贼。
- The houses were dark lumps against the snow. 在雪地里房子显得象一堆隆起的灰黑的东西。
- I urge the house to vote against the motion. 我呼吁参加辩论的诸位投票反对这项动议。
- The house looks pretty against the green wood. 这栋房子在翠绿的树林映照之下,显得很好看。
- The ball smacked against the side of the house. 球重重地撞击到房子侧壁上