- The new play is the hit of the season. 这出新戏是本季最叫座的。
- When the show went on the air, it was the hit of the season. 那个节目播出后,成了该年度的最佳节目。
- This song is one of the biggest hits of the season. 这首歌是本季度最受欢迎的歌曲之一。
- Every time I go to the Time Square, I am always aware of advertisements on the billboard. What's new? Or what's the hit of the season? 每次到时代广场,我都会注意看板上的广告,看看现在最流行的是什麽,还有百老汇正上映戏码。
- At the end of the season he cleared over a hundred dollars. 干了一个季度,他挣得了100多美金。
- The hit of the group which has made tATu famous all over Russia was not written by professionals. 使该演唱组在俄罗斯名声鹊起的那首热门歌曲不是由专业人士创作的。
- It should be the height of the season in Bali. 现在本应是巴厘岛最繁忙的旅游旺季。
- The team folded up in the last part of the season. 球队在那个比赛季节的后半段时间里连连失败。
- She got ill at the turn of the season. 她在换季时病了。
- He scored his first goal of the season on Saturday. 他在星期六的比赛中打进了他在本赛季的第一个球。
- What's your view of the season as a whole? 从整体上你怎么看这个赛季?
- Q: What is your assessment of the season? 你对这个赛季的看法如何?
- It was the first match of the season. 这是本季度第一场比赛啊。
- Perhaps winning the MVP of the season. 可能就是获得常规赛的MVP了。
- At this stage of the season, stamina intimidates. 到了赛季的这个阶段,体力决定一切。
- Clifford is the hit of the Halloween party when he arrives dressed as an enormous ghost. 当大红狗克利福德穿着巨大的幽灵服装出现时,顿时引起了万圣节聚会上的轰动,他赢得了每个人的关注。
- Camaro concept nicknamed the “Bumblebee” was the featured character in the hit of that time. 阿卡玛洛概念绰号“大黄蜂”是推荐性质的袭击的时间。
- With the compliments of the season. 祝贺佳节。
- Too many proposals are impractical, or worse. Is there anything that can cushion the economy from the hit of the subprime crisis? 悲观地说很多建议都是不切实际的,真的是没有任何的措施或方案缓解由于次级债带来的经济风波吗?
- A year constitutes a cycle of the seasons. 一年由四季的周期循环组成