- the high tide of fortune 福星高照
- A carnivorous animal, living on a straight meat diet, he was in full flower, at the high tide of his life, over-spilling with vigor and virility. 作为一只完全依靠肉食生存的食肉动物,他正值年富力强之时,精力充沛,活力旺盛。
- The time at which this prize category was inaugurated coincided with the high tide of the Norway independence movement. 当诺贝尔设立各种奖项时,正值挪威独立运动鼎盛时期。
- We shall also see that the high tide of revolution against the imperialists,the warlords and the landlords is inevitable,and will come very soon. 就知道反帝反军阀反地主的革命高潮,是怎样不可避免,而且是很快会要到来。
- Already summer was in the air, the first hint of Georgia summer when the high tide of spring gives way reluctantly before a fiercer heat. 空气里已经有点夏天的感觉,佐治亚初夏的来临了,春季的高潮恋恋不舍地让给比较炎热的气候了。
- The high tide of civilization study apeared in great social turning period,such as the Enlightenment,the theories of Spengler and Toynbee. 西方历史上,文明研究的高潮都出现在社会重大转型时期,以启蒙运动和20世纪前半期的斯宾格勒和汤因比等为代表。
- The Party paper in each locality should have dozens of articles ready and publish them from day to day when the high tide of the attacks begins to ebb there. 每个党报均要准备几十篇文章,从当地高潮开始跌落时起,即陆续发表。
- A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide. 涨潮把许多垃圾冲上了岸。
- Our departure is subject to the time of the high tide. 我们的启程视涨潮时间而定。
- We must not ignore the tide of popular opinion. 我们切不可忽视舆论的倾向。
- The boats will put out to sea on this evening's high tide. 今天晚上涨潮时这些船就要启航。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- In the present high tide of anti-Communist attacks,the policy we adopt is of decisive importance. 在目前反共高潮的形势下,我们的政策有决定的意义。
- The benefit of fortune is common amongst friends . 有福与友共享。
- A high tide of socialist transformation is sweeping through the rural areas, and the masses are jubilant. 现在全国农村中已经出现了社会主义改造的高潮,群众欢欣鼓舞。
- He is really a child of fortune. 他真是一个幸运儿。
- " The high tide of neoclassicism in painting is exemplified in early paintings by Jacques-Louis David and Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres' entire career. 新古典主义的绘画高潮以雅克路易大卫的早期绘画和让奥古斯特多米尼克安格尔的整个职业生涯为代表。
- This turn of fortune was unforeseen. 这时来运转是没有预见到的。
- I am indeed not pierced by the shafts of fortune. 的确,我没有被幸运的箭射中。
- When the demand outnumbers the supply in the job market, there will come another high tide of unemployment. 在僧多粥少的环境下,势必再出现另一波失业潮。