- It has recently been found that in some (of course not all) leading bodies it is the habitual practice for one individual to monopolize the conduct of affairs and decide important problems. 近查有些(当然不是一切)领导机关,个人包办和个人解决重要问题的习气甚为浓厚。
- Therefore, all CPA must discriminate the habitual practice whitewashing the accounting statements and implement the correct strategies for their auditing. 因此,注册会计师必须辨别会计报表粉饰的手法,并实施正确的审计策略。
- It means the habitual co-occurrence of a word. 词的习惯性重现。
- Color is "In Riotous Profusion"--Talking about the habitual practice of some words to show color 色彩"缤纷"--谈英语中一些颜色词的习惯用法
- the habitual practice 英语
- The habitual offender deserves legal sanction. 这个惯犯应受法律制裁。
- The habitual or excessive use of cocaine. 古柯碱癖习惯性地或过度地使用可卡因
- Are ideal for the habituation of the birds. 都非常适合鸟类居住繁衍。
- The witness watched the habitual offender robbing the man of his money. 证人看见那个惯犯抢夺那个人的钱财。
- characteristic or habitual practice. 独特的或习惯的行为。
- The habitual sniff on the face of Soames Forsyte had spread through their ranks. 索米斯·福尔赛脸上那种习见的傲慢神气已经遍及全军。
- habitual practice; usual tactics 惯用手法
- The idea sounds good but will it work in practice? 这主意听起来不错,但在实践中行得通吗?
- She laughed continually; her laugh was satirical, and so was the habitual expression of her arched and haughty lip. 她不断地笑,她的笑是讥笑,而讥笑也是她那弯弯的,高傲的咀唇的习惯表情。
- The physician fared well in practice. 那个医生的事业蒸蒸日上。
- Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as... (parklife! 自信对于那些习惯性窥婬狂来说是一种偏好,这就是众所周知的。。。[庸俗生活
- Don't be fobbed off with the habitual response that the manager is "in a meeting"or"away". 不要被“经理在开会”或者“经理不在”这种惯用的回答所蒙骗。
- It is the practice in Britain to drive on the left. 车辆靠左行驶是英国的制度。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- Talking to the point,people's consciousness has not overcome the habitual corrupt practices of the traditional men's rights society. 说到底,人们的意识还未克服传统男权社会的习惯性弊端。