- She works in the Guild of Surgeons. 她在外科医生同业公会工作。
- United Company of Barber Surgeons 年批准了理发外科医师契约,诞生了理发匠外科医师联合公司
- Association of trade of shoe of city of deer of lukewarm state city is the guild of typical semiofficial type. 温州市鹿城鞋业协会是典型的半官方式的行业协会。
- Student life All students are automatically members of the Guild of Students, Exeter University's Students' Union. 也为外国学生提供英语辅导。
- I belong to a guild of wine butlers. 我属于主管酒类的男仆同业公会。
- Announce when taking attendance to the guild. 将通告发送到公会频道。
- The Ratchet bank now has access to the Guild Vault. 棘齿城现在也有公会银行了。
- Imperial Charter of the Guild of Mages 帝国宪章:魔法行会
- View list of candidates who have been sponsored to the guild. 察看工会的候补成员名单。
- A member of a guild of skilled itinerant masons during the Middle Ages. 石匠协会成员中世纪由技术熟练的巡回石匠组成的行会的成员
- Show the guild name in a mes command. 显示工会名。
- The only other horror of the barber business is squirmy kid. 理发业唯一的另一种可怕的事是给扭来扭去的孩子理发。
- First the surgeon performed the section of the blood vessel. 外科医生首先切开血管。
- The Guild of Bank in Shanghai and the Financial War Between the National Government and the Puppet Government 上海银行公会与国民政府对日伪的货币金融战
- The same thing holds for the guild member in the medieval towns. 中世纪城市的行会市民,也是如此。
- Click the link to download the Guild Wars setup program. 点击下载激战开始安装。
- Incorrect name/ID, or no one from the guild is online. 错误的名称/ID;或者此公会无人在线.
- Dutter was put by in favor of Barber to fill the post,because the latter happened to be the manager's neplew. 达特被放在一边,该职由巴伯担任,因后者是经理的侄子。
- A free legal service is offered by the guild when you join. 当你加入时,可以得到协会的免费法律服务。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。