- The global governance units must govern more and more global issues through cooperative collective action because of common and unbreakable characteristic of global issues. 全球公共问题的共同性和不可分割性,要求全球治理主体通过合作的集体行动来治理日趋增多的全球公共问题。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- There are two-waylay inter dynamic relations between the violent development of the third sector and the swift of the global government"s reforms. 第三部门的迅猛发展和全球性政府改革之间存在着双向互动的关系。
- The paper also points out that though the NGOs are plying a more important role in the global governance, their involvement in the international activities is a very complicated political issue. 本研究提出,非政府组织在全球治理过程中扮演着越来越重要的角色,但是,非政府组织通过跨国性活动参与全球治理是一个极为复杂的政治议题。
- In the long term, the global governance with the global civil society for an important basis will become the moat powerful challenger. to traditional management of national center. 从长远来看,以全球市民社会的培育为重要依托的全球治理将会成为传统国家中心治理结构最有力的挑战者。
- Displays the state of all the global switches. 显示所有全局开关的状态。
- Occurs when the global selection changes. 在全局选择更改时发生。
- The following table shows the global limits. 以下各表说明了全局限制。
- Serve China and ASEAN from the global perspective! 服务全国、服务东盟、面向世界!
- Serve for the global plastics trade. 为全球塑料贸易穿针引线。
- The Global Financial Crisis--Where are we Now? 全球金融风暴走远了吗?
- At last the global convergence is obtained. 最后给出全局收敛性分析。
- Unable to contact the global catalog server. 无法联系全局编录服务器。
- Can Pollutant Stave off the Global Warming Crisis? 污染物可否推迟全球变暖危机?
- The chart showed us the global output of a factory. 这张图表展示了一个工厂的总产量。
- The crisis here caught the global attention. 这里的危机引起了全世界的注意。
- The current situation of the global banks. 全球银行业的现状。
- Serve China and ASEAN from the global perspectve! 服务全国、服务东盟、面向世界!
- Africa was not alone in the global drought. 全世界,并不只有非洲遭受了这样的一种干旱枯竭。
- Because the global economy is in depression now. 因为现在全球经济不景气。