- In appearance he remained the flower of the family. 论长相,他一直是家中的佼佼者。
- Having two stamens, as in the flowers of the sage. 有两枚雄蕊的,如在鼠尾草的花中
- Having two stamens,as in the flowers of the sage. 有两枚雄蕊的,如在鼠尾草的花中
- Amy, twelve, considered herself the flower of the family. 艾米,十二岁,自认为是这个家庭的花朵。
- The flower of the nation's youth attended the meeting. 全国最优秀的青年参加了会议。
- They are the flower of our nation. 他们是我们民族的精英。
- The flowers of the seed ranch grew still more. 苗圃里花草长得更盛了。
- Pistil is the seed-producing part of the flower. 雌蕊是花结种的一部分。
- My flower of the day dropped its petals forgotten. 我的昼间之花,落下它那被遗忘的花瓣。
- He is man is the flower of his life, about thirty. 他是年富力强的人,约30岁。
- He is man is the flower of his life,about thirty. 他是年富力强的人,约30岁。
- Generosity is the flower of justice . 慷慨是正义之花。
- Studies on Vascular System Anatomy of the Flower of Commelina communis L. 鸭跖草花部维管束系统解剖学研究。
- Studies on vascular system anatomy of the flower of Musa coccinea Andr. 红蕉花部维管束系统的解剖学研究。
- Let the last touch of your hands be gentle like the flower of the night. 让你双手的最后的接触,像夜中的花朵一样温柔。
- Eg.Her majesty invited the flower of nobility. 女王陛下邀请了贵族的精英。
- I long for Your perfect correction, as it is a part of the flower of Your love. 我也渴望您完美无漏的指正,因那是您圣爱之美丽花朵的一部分。
- The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp. 花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。
- I thought you would have seen the flower of the Cymbidium Kanran Mak. 我以为你会看到这寒兰开花的。
- The smell of the flowers calls up my childhood. 这些花香使我回忆起了我的孩提时代。