- So it is necessary to study the opportunities and challenges of the financial leasing to the construction enterprises. 融资租赁的特点是出租人同时拥有物权和债权,物权是债权的基础,失去物权的债权其风险和一般的贷款没什么区别。
- In mature economies, insurance firms are normally keen to put their long-term money into utility projects, usually involved with the financial leasing of equipment. 在成熟经济中,保险公司通常将它们的长期资金投入到公用事业中。通常,他们都是选择设备的融资租赁。
- They suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 他们在经济危机时遭受了巨大的损失。
- A financial leasing contract shall be in writing. 融资租赁合同应当采用书面形式。
- Many rich families are brought low by the financial crisis. 很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。
- She dispensed with the financial support of her uncle. 她放弃了她叔叔对她的经济援助。
- The financial times share index go up five point yesterday. 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。
- The Financial Times share index went up five points yesterday. 《金融时报》的股票指数昨天上升了五点。
- Many rich families were brought low by the financial crisis. 很多富户都因那次金融危机而家道中落。
- Large corporations have the financial strength. 大公司拥有必要的财力。
- The Financial Leasing Predicament and Strategies Of Private Enterprises In the Ethnic Area 民族地区私营企业的融资障碍与对策
- The financial committee had a hearing yesterday. 昨天经济委员会召开了一个听证会。
- And I got the financial support after two years. 两年后我终于取得了奖学金。
- Have you got all the financial details you need? 你得到所需的一切金融详情了吗?
- The financier told us not to do business in that way. 金融家告诉我们不要再用那种方法做业务。
- We suffered huge losses in the financial crisis. 我们在金融危机中损失惨重。
- Other financial institutions are in good positions to ally themselves with financial leasing firms. 其它金融机构则与金融租赁公司结盟方面状态良好。
- The financial penalty is appropriate. 经济处罚是适当的。
- The success of the company and commercial bank's financial leasing collaboration to solve customer financing problems. 公司成功的与商业银行合作开展融资租赁业务,解决了客户融资问题。
- The financial Chancellor was true to his word. 财政大臣没有食言。