- The first meeting laid the groundwork for the final agreement. 第一次会议为最终的协定奠定了基础。
- We take it that you will act according to the final agreement. 我们认为你方是会按照最后协议行事的。
- Negotiations on the final agreement are progressing in secret. 最终协议的谈判正在悄悄进行。
- Let us meet tomorrow to iron out any difficulties in the final agreement. 让我们明天开会解决最后协定中的一切困维。
- After a long and heated discussion, the final agreement was arrived at in the end. 经过长时间热烈的讨论, 终于达成了最后协议。
- But Zebari stressed that the final agreement would not identify the U.S. troops from Iraq a fixed timetable. 不过兹巴里强调,最后协议将不会确定美国从伊拉克撤军的固定时间表。
- Agreed by both parties, this agreement can be further supplemented or altered; the final agreement shall become effective after both parties get written notice. 经双方同意,本协议可进行补充和修改;补充和修改后的文本在书面通知到达双方后生效。
- The printing bill alone for the final agreements came to close to 2 million! 光是印刷最后协议书的费用就将近二百万美元!
- Please dim out the stage for the final scene. 请在最后一场即将开演时使舞台灯光转暗。
- The final decision rests with him. 最后决定取决于他。
- Arsenal scored in the final minute of the game. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。
- There are eight runners in the final race. 最后的赛程中有八匹马参加。
- Everton have got through to the final. 埃弗顿队已进入决赛。
- The champions were completely smashed in the final. 冠军在决赛中都吃了败仗。
- The final outcome of the game was0-0 tie. 这场比赛的结果是以零比零而平局的。
- She make a score of9.8 at the final vault. 她在最后一次试跳中得了9。8分。
- Over a span of time, a final agreement is reached. 经过一段时间后,达成最终的协议。
- He flunked in the final examination. 他期终考试不及格。
- One of the runners got boxed in on the final bend. 一个赛跑者在转最后一弯时被人挡住了。
- He earned four A's in the final examinations. 他期末考试四门功课得优。