- the fight of villager autonomy 村民自治权
- Pay attention to the fight of fovea and fear. 集中注意力去对抗心里的恐惧。时时注意要懂得害怕。
- This is the fight of the kingdom of the mind. 这是思想领域的斗争。
- "Rural politics" mode alienates the nature of villager autonomy in practice,forms lots of complicated contradiction and develops toward two extremes: "affiliated administration" and "over autonomy". “乡政村治”模式在实践中异化村民自治的性质,形成了乡村关系中的诸多复杂矛盾,并向两个极端方向发展:即“附属行政化”和“过度自治化”。
- The news of defeat took all the fight out of us. 失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。
- "Rural politics" mode alienates the nature of villager autonomy in practice, forms lots of complicated contradiction and develops toward two extremes: "affiliated administration" and "over autonomy". 摘要“乡政村治”模式在实践中异化村民自治的性质,形成了乡村关系中的诸多复杂矛质,并向两个极端方向发展:即“附属行政化”和“过度自治化”。
- All the fight seemed to go out of him. 他似乎再无斗志。
- Losing their leader took all the fight out of them. 他们失去了首领以後便丧失了斗志。
- As the local resource, the recovered clansmen influence has conflicted with the villager autonomy system on the level of village democracy in Wenzhou region. 复苏后宗族势力作为本土性资源,在温州地区乡村民主层面上,不断地与村民自治制度发生冲突。
- The law punishes people who invade the fights of others. 法律惩罚侵犯他人权利的人。
- The sound effect of the fight is very good in that radio play. 广播剧中那场战斗的音响效果很好。
- The sound effects of the fight were very good in that radio play. 广播剧中那场战斗的音响效果很好。
- Attacked by a combination of rivals, Brander was given the fight of his life. 议会里有一群劲敌联合起来攻击他,使他经历一次生平未有的苦战。
- These contradictions can only be solved by ad-justing and renovating the system of village autonomy. 本文提出,有可能通过村民自治制度的调整或创新解决上述问题。
- The fight was won by a knockout. 这场拳击以一击将对方打倒而获胜。
- The research on operating mechanism of villager autonomy 论我国的村民自治运行机制
- Abstract: This paper attempts to present some queries with regard to Mizoguchi Yuzo's two notions, namely “the space of village autonomy” and “provincial power”. 本文针对沟口雄三的“乡里空间”和“省力”两个概念提出了一些疑问。
- His face is a mass of bruise after the fight. 他打完架后脸上青一块紫一块的。
- The fight of the German, and especially, of the Prussian bourgeoisie, against feudal aristocracy and absolute monarchy, in other words, the liberal movement, became more earnest. 德国的特别是普鲁士的资产阶级反对封建主和专制王朝的斗争,一句话,自由主义运动,越来越严重了。
- Airline ticket booked a domain to also will start the fight of an interest reapportion 2008. 2008年机票预订领域也将掀起一场利益重新分配的斗争。