- the fantasy of culture 文化幻象
- Powerful computers birthed the fantasy of a pure disembodied intelligence. 功能强大的计算机催生了无躯体智能的狂热幻想。
- The light vanilla fragrance and sweet apple lead you to the fantasy of strolling in the icy green field and revitalize your mind. 淡淡的香草清香,香甜的苹果,宛如漫步在冰绿的田园里,沁人心脾的清润。
- There will be more work to do, not less. Bang goes the fantasy of retirement at 35. 只会有越来越多的事情要做,不会越来越少。35岁退休的幻想是泡影而已。
- As this negative space enters the fantasy of democratized power, it starts to shape events. 随着这一负空间进入到民主化权力的幻想,它开始对事件进行塑造。
- Part of the attraction is that we ve all had the fantasy of being able get something important done without having to work at it. 幻想小说吸引人的一个原因是,我们总幻想着不用劳动也能获得一些重要的东西。
- Some locals speculate that Harris-Moore burgles not for the money but to experience the fantasy of the happy home life he never had as a child. 一些本地人推测,哈里斯-莫尔盗窃并不是为了金钱,而是为了体验他童年不曾有过的幸福家庭生活。
- In the seduction, the seducer programs the one whom is seduced with the fantasy of "need" and each time the seduced feels "needy", they call upon the seducer to fill the "need". 在诱惑中,诱惑者将受诱惑者用“需要”的幻相进行编程,每一次受诱惑者当感到“渴望”时就召唤诱惑者来满足其“需要”。
- The seducer programs the seduced with the fantasy of their love, and the seduced then believes that they will only feel love in the presence or memory of the seducer. 诱惑者以爱的幻相编程受诱惑者,而受诱惑者随之相信自己只有在诱惑者在场时或在对他们的记忆中才感受到爱的存在。
- Attached? This week's moon sets off a few romantic sparks. Moonbeams cascade over your face, and you're irresistible. Just don't get carried away in the fantasy of it all. 有对象?本周的月亮集了几种浪漫火花。月光如瀑布照着你的脸,你无法抗拒的。只是最后不要被这一切幻想冲昏了头。
- Cuddling up next to a fireplace and having popcorn while watching a romantic movie or reading a book ignites the fantasy of having an intimate relationship. 蜷缩在壁炉旁边手捧一包爆米花看一部浪漫的电影,或者读一本可以点燃你爱情火花的书吧,你会发现更深一层认识自己时的快乐。
- And savored the charm of culture. 体味文化的魅力。
- The value of culture is its effect on character. 文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。
- Very few daughters really wish to settle their affections for life on a teenage boy when it comes right down to it, though the fantasy of undying devotion is very evident for a time. 说到底,真正想把自己一生的爱情都寄托在一个十几岁的男孩身上的女孩是很少的,但在某一段时间里她会幻想自己的爱情会至死不渝。
- The Mix of Culture is truly amasing! 者文化的混合是真实地惊奇!
- To generalize chance, in the form of an "ideal game," without simultaneously generalizing the game\'s rules, is akin to the fantasy of radicalizing desire by ridding it of every law and every lack. 普及机会,在"理想的比赛"的形式中,没有同时普及比赛规则,跟使激进的幻想要求摆脱它的每条法律和一切缺乏的东西相类似。"
- The end of culture is perfection. 文化的目的是完美。
- He tried to shut out the fantasy. 他极力要把胡思乱想驱遣开。
- The values of culture is its effect on character. 文化的价值在于它对人类品性的影响。
- Abandon the fantasy and pick up on the signs. 要 摒 弃 幻 想 , 留 心 迹 象 。